Chapter 29

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I finally left the hospital. Peeta has still been having flashbacks, but dealing with them much better. Although this means we can't spend time together unsupervised.

I stare at my vegetable soup, swirling the slop around and around it the bowl. "Katniss!"

My eyes widen, bringing me back to the world. "You zoned out again." He says. I smile. "Sorry. I'm just so worried."

A week ago, Gale and Finnick left for the Capital. To finally destroy the cause of all problems. Snow. I'm glad that snow will finally be stopped; but what if they don't come back. For the whole week, Annie and I have been moping around. Even though I have a child now.

Peeta takes my hand from across the dinner table. "I can't believe she's one month now." Looking at little Sage next to me. I manage to form a week smile. "Next thing we know she'll be in school!" I chuckle. Then stop.

"We have hope."

Then Annie comes storming over, and plonks herself onto the bench. Everyone in the cafeteria states, knowing full well this is the nutty table. "There's still so news" she chokes out. She looks at Sage, letting her play with her hair. That's when a very serious expression takes over her whole face; her eyebrows frowning.

"I'm pregnant."

My initial reaction is to be happy for her! Finnick and Annie want this so much, but then I remember. Not now. Not with finnick gone. But we can trust Peeta to try and lighten the mood.

"Annie, that's so exciti..."

"I know." Annie interrupts, and leaves the table. She's always been like that. Peeta's staring at me.

"They're going to be a happy family."
An: whoops! I was gone for so long I'm sorry<3 but I had my mock exams, but I'm glad I took a break because I actually did well!! I'm on summer holidays now so I will be updating regularly.

Ps. Anyone watching love island (UK) right now 🤣

Baby in the QuellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ