Chapter 25

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I have been trying to find sleep all night but failed. I have been moving about in my hard hospital bed trying to find a position where my bump does not get in the way of my sleep but it is impossible.

That's when a feel wet. Definitely something wrong. I sit up straight and whip the blanket of off me to discover liquid seeping from my legs.


I'm not sure what to do. It's 3am and no one is here. I haven't got any contractions yet, but I don't particularly want to sit in a mess of my own liquid. I don't think I'm ready to have this baby, especially without Peeta by my side.

Despide doctors orders, i stand and walk around the corridor of the hospital to find anyone. Every step I take is excruciating as I haven't stood in so long.

I realise the liquid still trickles from my legs and decide to make my way back to my room.

As soon as I make my way back to my room, I fall to the floor was struck by extreme pain. I hold on to the side of the bed as I wait for it to pass. I must have awoke Haymitch as he comes running only a few minutes later.

"Shit...Katniss?" He looks around and sees all the liquid seeped on the floor. "Katniss your water broke?"

I give Haymitch the death stare. My hormones are going crazy and he's certainly pushing me. "NO" I say sarcastically clutching onto my stomach as I try to lay back on my bed.

Haymitch runs out the room. "OI WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I shout to him. What does he think he's doing leaving me at a time like this.

"Chill out Im only going to get YOU a doctor." He calls running out the door. I'm left alone for only 2 minutes as Haymitch and Dr Azalea runs in.

"Hello Katniss. I'm Dr Azalea I'll be helping deliver this baby today."

Oh crap. It's time.
Sorry it's short! Got exams again :(

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