Chapter 30

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"Noooooo" I hear the cries of Annie from a few rooms away. I am in the hospital to have a mental health checkup, but I think Annie lives here. Before the dr even dismisses me, I run down the hall.

I enter the room and see any on her knees rocking back and forward. "He's dead Katniss! Finnick dead." My knees buckle and a fall next to her. I really hate affection, but I hug Annie. She sobs into my shoulder; her screams become muffled.

"He was gonna be a father Katniss."

Now once again I let my tears fall, another friend lost. The doctors eventually leave the room, letting us grieve in peace. For hours we just sit; Annie plays with her wedding ring made from stone.

A knock on the door brings me to my senses. However Annie remains staring at the ring.

On the other side of the door, I find Peeta and Sage.

"Katniss you've been here for a while what's going on?"

I give Sage a quick kiss before wiping my eyes from tears. "Finnick died." I whisper so quiet I have to repeat myself. He embraces me in a hug I never want to end. It's nice to have Peeta back.


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