"I know, Mason is a dickhead, you shouldn't talk back when he says things like that, he just wants trouble."

"Willis and Reeves, be quiet." Says the history teacher.

As he was about to talk again, the classroom door flung open revealing a very pissed Mason-Dean.

Mr. Jonson stops him before he takes a sit. "Where do you think you're going young man?"

Mason rolls his eyes and swears under his breath.

"Why are you late?"

Before he could answer, the door flung open again.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr. Jonson but the principal wants Taylor and Mason in his office now." Says Matt, the president of the student body.

I sigh, great, like it wasn't bad enough already. Now I gotta face the ruthless principal on the first day of school. I hate you Mason!

The jerk groans, "Fucking hell Willis, this is all your fault."

I stand up and start walking behind him in the hall.

"How is that my fault? You were literally born an asshole." I roll my eyes.

He bites his bottom lip and groans.

Good looking asshole.

He pushes open the door to the principal's office, without knocking.

See how rude he is?

"Alexander, I don't think I told you to come in." The principal says as he looks at both of us.

"Sorry for that, Mr. Allen, this guy just never thinks before he does something." I roll my eyes at the jerk.

He glares at me, "Watch your mouth Willis, I don't wanna repeat what I did earlier." He says calmly.

"Enough of that, both of you, take a seat." Says the principal.

As the jerk and I sat, the principal started lecturing us. I couldn't ask for a better day.

Yes, I'm a very sarcastic person.

"So this is how you decided to start your senior year?"

The jerk sighs, "Well, she started it." He says pointing at me.

"Quiet! I don't care who started it, this is a prestigious school, we do not tolerate this kind of behavior from our students here. Therefore, for two weeks, you two will be cleaning the science classroom, AND the cafeteria as a punishment."

Oh no, please no, just...no.

Jerk chuckles, "Yeah, there's no way in hell i'm doing that, and especially with her."

Same here, jerk.

"Do you maybe want me to add two more weeks, Mr. Alexander?"

No way.

"Please, don't do that, Mr. Allen." I sigh "Please? My dad won't be happy to hear this, Mr. Allen, I promise not to do that again but don't punish me for that, please ?"

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