That One Time Barnes and Stark had to be Mature - Avengers/Reader

Start from the beginning

Not a very good resolution really.

On her seventh cup of coffee for the day at exactly 3:47 pm, (Y/N) began the final measurements for the Winter Soldiers' new arm that he needed so desperately. The old one bit into his arm and had led to irritated cuts that scarred and bled and looked really horrific.

"Don't... don't wear any arms until this is healed and when you do, make sure it's not this one." (Y/N) held up his old arm which she had been getting the measurements from. It was taking a lot longer than expected as (Y/N) was unfocused (possibly due to the fact that she hadn't been sleeping) and she had to use a tape measure instead of getting Friday's help.

Tony had set the bloody AI to shut down on the off chance (Y/N) didn't sleep so all she could do was turn off lights and close doors and use her computer which wasn't attached to Friday.

Which was fine, (Y/N) shouldn't get so used to Stark Tech anyway. She probably wouldn't work there forever, especially after this escapade.

And it was at the point where she was just putting the new arm onto Buck's socket, two hours after Tony had left, that the billionaire himself returned.

(Y/N) lacked the energy to focus on more than one task at that minute and didn't notice Tony come in or that Bucky stiffened but simply continued adjusting the arm. In fact, she was still absorbed in her task, unable to hear Bucky worriedly whispering her name when Tony came right up and tapped her on the shoulder.

This effect led to two things. (Y/N) screamed in surprise, whipping her head around to find her boss glaring but also looking confused and it also led to the screwdriver, which was currently jammed down Bucky's arm, to be twisted to the right.

While (Y/N)'s scream was short and from surprise, Bucky's was from pain. She quickly wrenched the screwdriver back and he looked alright again, so (Y/N) helped him take off the arm and then turned to Tony, who hadn't moved away the entire time.

"Hello," (Y/N) said, refusing to look up at the man. There was a pause and then, "I really meant to go to bed but I needed the measurements and everything and I just had to do it and I didn't think it would take long but I was going to sleep right after and-"

"You're rambling. (Y/N), calm down. You are going to sleep right now, got it? And when you wake up, I expect it to be at least tomorrow. We'll finish this," he made a gesture at the workbench covered in parts "another day." He was angry, she could see, but he was also putting it to the side right now.

Why? She was just another intern and she'd been led to believe that disobeying Tony Stark led to being fired. She'd only been working with him a couple of months now and even though she kept reading bad things about the man, (Y/N) hadn't seen him do anything awful yet.

(Y/N) looked mournfully at her work (with the assumption she'd be fired before she was ever able to return to it) before nodding. She realised that at some point she had stood up and her chair was nowhere to be found.

"I think you need to sit down," Tony said placing his arm around her shoulders and guiding the young woman to the couch he kept in his lab. Bucky was still sitting in his chair ignored and forgotten by both scientists. When they reached the couch, (Y/N) collapsed right into it and whether she fell asleep instantly or passed out, the billionaire didn't know.

Tony, needless to say, was not happy that his very own protégée would drive herself to this state because she thought Tony would fire her if she told him. He turned to the Winter Soldier who had now moved closed to see (Y/N). "You can go now."

Bucky's glare came to face him. "She drove herself to this for me and I intend to help her get better. You should have realised this was happening! She's not used to going without sleep, this must have been a nightmare for her, why didn't you make her leave?"

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