Chapter 6

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"Es-tu sûr de vouloir faire ça, mon chaton?" Lafayette asks. I am currently sat on a stool in front of a magnificent mirror in my room as my dear cousin brushes out my hair gently.

("Are you sure you want to do this, my kitten?"

Conversation will be in french but so you don't have to bother going to google translate, I'll will write it in English :) )

"Of course I am, Gilbert! You know how long I've been talking about joining the war and this might be my only chance." Laf makes a face suggesting wariness. "Hey, don't make that face at me! You know how long I've been wanting to do this."

"You're right, you're right," he puts his hands up in mock surrender behind me and in the reflection of the mirror I see him rolls his eyes. "Like always."

I smile triumphantly, knowing that I won our little playful spat.

"But seriously, my kitten, I don't want to lose you. You're all I have left and you know it." He whispers as he put the ornate brush down and runs his fingers through my soft (H/C) hair. He then wraps his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly from behind and kissing my temple.

"I know, Gilbert, but you also know that no matter where I am; on earth or in heaven, that I am always with you. In your heart." I smile sadly at him as I lean into his arms.

"I know and like I've said many times in our letters, you are way more than a cousin to me. You're like a sister, closer than a sister if that's possible."

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Okay since when did the great Hero of Two Worlds start to get sappy?" I joke.

"Since the day I was born," he laughs and picks up some scissors which were sat on the vanity's glass top.

"Have you ever cut someone's hair before, Gilbert?" I ask. His actions pause as he hovers his scissors over my hair.

"Uh, sure." He smiles innocently. His tone definitely makes me think that he has not cut someone's hair before.





"Laf!" I exclaim.

"Oh, how bad can it be? It's hair!" He rolls his eyes and again, takes position, getting ready to cut my hair.

"You could cut my ear off!" I move away from Gilbert's reach before he goes to make the first snip off my (H/L), (H/C) hair.

He sits down on the edge of my bed, disrupting the white and baby blue duvet and throw blanket. Gilbert points his scissors in my direction and raises a dark eyebrow.

"In my defence," he brings his finger up to his chin, tapping it lightly in thought, "I've only done that once and it was not an accident."

My playful smile drops at his statement and a horrified look lays across my eyes. He chuckles before standing again and kissing my forehead. He returns to his position, hovering the scissors over my hair.

"No matter what, my kitten, I love you." He smiles in the mirror at me and makes the first snip.

That's it, the worst is over with.

"I love you too, Baguette." He chuckles at the childhood nickname and continues to cut a straight line across my hair.

The worst is over with. I can let go of that worry now.

I stare at myself in the mirror as my dear cousin continues to chop at my hair. With each incision I feel myself become confident in my place in the war.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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