My Guardian Archangel-14

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We had began on thinking of supplies we could use, and now we were getting ready to head to your church. I hadn't been to church for about three months.

"We can take my car."You'd said, opening the front the door.

"We can take mine."I said quickly.

I don't care how nice you seem, I will not get in a car with you. You could kidnap me.

"Holland. You don't have a car."You said bluntly, crossing your arms, and leaning against the door frame.

I scowled at you,"it's called walking Seth. I do it often."

You rolled your eyes,"I'm not walking down the side of the road when I have a perfectly good car to drive."

"Fine. You drive, I'll walk."I said, and shoved my body past yours, bumping against your shoulder with my own.

I began down my driveway, and then onto the sidewalk. I crossed my arms angrily across my chest, and held my head in the air.

"Holland you're being ridiculous!"You yelled after me.

I made a sour face and mocked you.

Thirty minutes later you and I were walking side by side down the road. I was smiling happily, and you were beside me pouting, like a child.

"Walking is good for you Seth."I finally said.

"I'm wearing dress shoes Holland. They're not meant to walk for a billion miles."You muttered, staring off towards the road, opposite of me.

"Seriously? How far out is this church?"I asked. Then I shook my head,"Sarcasm. Right."

You looked over at me finally, a small smile plastered on your face,"You don't recognize sarcasm?"

"Yeah I do. It's just my brain is slow."I said.

I looked down at my cast, and looked at the bruise that was slightly showing. I put my hand over quickly trying to act normal. You'd already saw it though.

"Is that from Donald?"You'd asked seriously.

I looked up at you,"No. It's from me, falling when I got home."I lied.

Your jaw tightened, and your hands formed into fists,"Stop lying Holland. I want an honest answer, no more lies."

I almost  coward away. I had to be strong though. I turned my head to the road,"Why do you care?"

I heard your frustrated sigh, and you pinned me against a near by tree. This is was like when Donald pinned me against the movie theatre. The only difference was, that you didn't hurt me. You weren't threatening me, and you weren't screaming.

"Because Holland. I have to. I have to care if you're OK, or if I need to knock someones teeth in. You're the only important thing to me, why don't you understand? I am here to help you. If you don't let me in then we will get nowhere! You need"You said. Your face was red with anger and frustration, and a small vain in your neck was bulging out. "Now. Is it or is it not, from him?"

I was fumbling for words. I was so scared, so nervous that with one wrong answer you'd bash my head against the tree until I died. I had watched your lips move as you spoke, and you only noticed once you'd finished talking.

Your red face finally turned back to it's natural olive color, and I looked up into your eyes. I had been staring at your lips, and now I felt completely awkward. You'd probably thought I wanted to kiss you. Isn't that what people did when they wanted a kiss? Or that's what it was like in the movies.

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