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That's what life is about, you either fuck or get fucked.

The first thing you need to know about this job is to make the hit clean. You either let their death look like accidents or you cause suspicion on someone else. Neither is easy to do, but after years of doing this line of work, you get the hang of it.

The tied up intruder's muscles tense up as he wakes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you hurt?" I say in a sarcastic tone while poking his stab wound with my gun.

"You better fucking untie me or this might become personal." He barks back realizing his current circumstances.

"Don't be too sure. Its stupid to kill someone with a motive. Puts a huge target on your back. Now tell me. Who sent you?" My eyes send daggers to his direction letting him know I am not one to be fucked with.

"Feisty much?" Just as he is finished speaking, my front door is busy getting kicked in and I respond with a few bullets to it.

At this point my door is a filled with bullets and whoever was trying to get in almost achieved it.

My focus was mainly on the door and nothing else. Before I knew it the bastard managed to fall back and break the chair so he could free himself. The stranger open fired through the door spraying bullets towards my direction. My body froze knowing there is no way to fight both of them off.


I feel heat surrounding me. The moment my eyes stare at my wet hands, they are covered in crimson blood. The man that shot me could be barely seen in the distance. Even if I were going down, he would go down with me. So I shot one bullet in his head before I fell back feeling an immense weight on me.

After coming back to my senses I realize it wasn't me that was shot, the man at my feet is the one bleeding. He came to my defense? None of this made sense, but my instincts took over and I quickly moved him to my bed to apply pressure to his shoulder wound, then wrap it in some bandages.

There is no use calling the police or ambulance, this would only put us both at risk for life in jail and the injury doesn't seem that lethal.

I can feel his muscles tense in pain to my touch on his back. Personally, I had no experience in the surgical field but maybe the professor could help remove the bullet.

"Don't worry, I'll call the professor to make sure you will be fine." I say trying to give him something to hold on to through these painful hours he will have to wait.

"I've had worse happen, I'll be fine." He said while trying to stand up to no avail.

My smile seemed completely dishonest as I tried to mask my concern "You don't always have to be the hero. Maybe little boys need help too."

Unlike before, he seemed to co-operate more with a calm tone "You're a lot more caring than you let on. You know?"

"Well you saved my life. So what do you expect?"

"Where would the fun be in letting such a girl like you die?"

There is nothing more annoying than some selfish idiot pitying me. I wanted to punch him so bad, but for now I'll refrain until the professor is done.


My ears pick up on that cute sound. It reminds me of the innocence I once had. My new cute kitten I adopted earlier seemed brave even after all that had happened.

When picked up, she weighed less than I expected, and a female.

"I wonder what I'll name her." My mouth blurts out while I'm in deep thought.

"Lil shit. Just like you." The bastard manages to whisper, clearly in pain.

"Do you really think insults is the best for you in your current situation? How about you keep your handicapped degen ass quiet for now."

I am quickly yanked from my wrist down onto the bed and under his toned body. Even when he is at his weakest he manages to hold me down.
"Don't forget your place. Under me." A smug look appears on his face.

"Do you think I would just submit to you? Now get off me and rest, you'll only hurt yourself more."

There is no chance I'll oppose him now. He might start bleeding again which could be fatal.

"How about no?" He leans his head down to my neck leaving only hot breathes which makes me feel uneasy.

I never wanted to be touched by any man but Léon. Who the fuck is this guy anyway?

"I don't even know your name."

"Its Ralph."

"I'm Matilda."

Upon hearing my name, he seemed to only calm down while attempting get off me in the most slowest way possible.

I wont lie, I couldn't keep my eyes off his eight pack as he sat there shirtless. Is this the first time I've ever come this close to a half naked man before??

The front door that was barely holding swung open from what seemed to be the wind, but revealed none other than the Professor himself. Usually he is the go to man for any spare hitman jobs left to do in the city. But after patching me up so many times he has to have some form of medical history before declared dead.

Though, being in his debt doesn't sound so fun, but I owe Ralph my life right now.

You see, being a ghost in this city has its advantages. The only risk the professor is taking right is revealing his identity to this stranger, although since the professor trusts me, he seems to have no problem.

His expression stayed constant even through all the pain, but I can tell Ralph has probably seen better days. Professor unpacked his bag full of what seemed to be a dozen different tools used for surgery, nothing as advanced as a normal doctor's kit. Sure, I've seen some horrible things, however, nothing so blood up close. I never bothered to look at my victims too long to avoid potential guilt or disgust for what I had done.

There was no reason for me to watch the procedure happen. So I left the room to leave them to their business and not too long later I hear them both laughing like best buddies.

The professor fetches me from outside to tell me "Good news, the bullet is out and in a few weeks he will be completely fine. Bad news is that you cant live here anymore so you will have to temporarily stay with either him or me tonight."

It felt intrusive if I couched any of their places, but what choice did I have?


Yes, I did make the picture in this chapter. Its how I imagined Ralph to look like ^^

Thank you if you are reading this and I hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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