First Mistake

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Have you ever been alone in the dark? Hours just sitting there, goosebumps form as the breeze of emptiness blows on your skin. The memories of both happiness and loss haunting you.

I sit there at the edge of the bed, seemingly lost in thought. Wondering what life would have been like if Léon were still alive. He would probably welcome me in his warm arms and tell me to move on..

How can I go on without him? It's been seven years of cleaning all by myself. Thats all I've known. Murder.

All the money Léon left for me was stolen by his own mentor. Should have killed the bastard when I had the chance.

The wall behind me is covered with at least a dozen photos of my new victim to be. Jack Darnell, a former hitman, now a father of three. A file of papers in my hands giving me all I need to know about him. My eyes scan the pages of information to see if I'm missing any extra detail. "Alcoholic.." I whisper to myself.

He seems to have a history of domestic violence too. Since I have no issues, I pack my suitcase full of all the necessary guns and weapons I might need, as well as an extra grenade just in case if things go south.


My usual outfit included shades, a beanie and shorts with a striped t-shirt. Usually I don't mind going without any of the accessories, but being a young fit woman is always noticeable. So I take extra precautions of avoiding to travel main roads unless necessary.

Preferably, I use my motorbike for transport, but I almost never use it. I make an effort to stay near my target to make it easier to figure out their daily routine. The longest I've lived in a rented apartment must have been only a month.


Perfect time to lay down my suitcase and preform my normal setup right before I knock on the door.

"Fire! There's a fire!" My fists begin to slam against the door as I tremble with extreme fear to sound more convincing. This is one of my main methods I use to lure my targets out.

Unsuspecting, my victim acted on instinct opening the door only for me to kick it in his face. He reaches as fast as he could for the gun in his pants right after I aim my gun to his chest only to pull the trigger two times. I retracted my silencer, but as a door opened I pointed it waiting for someone to come out.


To my shock my heart drops when I see a young boy, seemingly to be at least eight, ran to his father's corpse wailing in agony. Any normal hitman would kill the child for knowing their identity, but I could feel his pain. Even if their father beat them, they still loved him.. Only the innocent could love a monster.

Loud footsteps are heard from the stairs and all I could think about was bolting, but I couldn't leave these kids alone with their dad's corpse. I quickly put on my motorbike helmet and loaded my gun fully prepared to open fire at the door while I took cover behind a table.

"quickly go to your brother and sister and hide!" My words harshly scare the kid into the other room.

My heart pounds and I hold my breath until I see a shadow and shoot one warning shot at the door.

Their response was a quick dash across the passage and direct shots to my direction, all I could do at this point was use the thick table as a shield.

After his round of bullets were used up I shot up directly missing most shots then tossing a grenade out the door. In defense he leaps into the room and managed to get up close to me while loading his gun. I shoot at his chest three times to no avail and he manages to thrust me against the wall rendering me helpless as he forces me to drop my gun. His bulletproof vest is visible from close up.

Right after securing me he takes off my helmet.

"A woman.." A small smirk appears on his face as he pushes me even firmer when I try to protest.

"What's a little girl doing with a gun, huh?"
I feel his cold pistol against bare skin due to my shirt lifting up.

"I was hired to kill him."

"You took it upon yourself to kill a defenseless man with kids?" It feels like his brown eyes are penetrating me.

"He had a gun... Besides he got what was coming for him. Now get off me!" I step on his foot and twist his hand so the gun faces him instead and use this as an opportunity to kick him away and make my escape.

All I need is a distraction before I can manage to safely get out this building. Luckily I have the ability to get out of the stickiest situations so I bang the fire alarm button and people hurry out the building in a panic. He leaps out running in my direction.

I attempt to blend in with the crowd of people outside and make sure no one is following me as I make my trip back home.

A small amount of guilt overwhelmed me as images of the man and his one kid appeared in my head. Am I really that much if a monster?

My mind shifts to other unknown thoughts of the man afterwards. Strangely enough, instead of being repelled by the thought of him, he seems to interest me. No one has ever managed to pin me down before.

Since the its almost night, I hurry folding my arms looking for any sort of warmth as I drag my heavy suitcase with me. The path I take for sure isn't the safest, but allows me to make it back almost unnoticed. Maybe passing a few sketchy people along the way which is not really a problem.

My ears ring to the sounds of a baby kitten in a cardboard box. I can tell its probably a stray from how underfed it looks. There is no way I'm leaving it behind, even though I can barely afford surviving myself.

Getting paid much as being a female hitman is almost non-existent. Customers would much rather prefer an experienced man, not a teenager. But I guess I get the job done every time.

A chocolate siamese kitten with sapphire blue eyes and the softest fur. Who would just throw away something so beautiful?

"Its okay cutie, I wont hurt you." I lean over to pick it up and notice it shake and cry out of fear in my arms.

"Shhh it's okay." I keep it's fuzzy cold body to my chest.

For some reason as I continue to walk, I have a strange feeling someone is watching me. So I tread even faster until I eventually make it home to my small one bedroom apartment.

It doesn't look like much, but a roof on my head will do for now. First thing I do is tug my newest kitten in a warm soft jacket I rarely use, then I check the fridge for some milk and eggs. Just to eat something small before I go to bed.

While I fry my scrambled eggs, a loud sound came from just behind my door. Probably some drunk guy again.

My curiosity leads me to the knob of my door and I am about to turn it before I look behind me towards the window.

I feel chills down my spine as if someone were watching me from my window. I pull out my pistol and point it straight towards the window, then I hear the front door open.

Before long I was grabbed from behind, although this time I was prepared and jabbed my army knife back to their leg and he grunted in pain. He kneed my back causing me to fall, then he twisted my arm back and held me in a lock for a few seconds.

I am not going down that easily, so I decided to give him a hard time and right when I had him, I managed to get a glimpse of his face and he is the same guy I ran into earlier. I managed to knock his gun out his hand then punch him three times. It didn't take long before I knocked him out and tied his ass to a chair.

Was he hired to kill me, or did he want something else?


Thanks for taking your time to read this, would appreciate if you voted this and commented. All your ideas are helpful and welcomed <3 Please correct me if I made any errors and I will be updating daily (or as much as possible)

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