Chapter 6 - A New World

Comincia dall'inizio

“That would be the part where I remind you that it’s none of your business.” I said sweetly.

Pierce raised an eyebrow “Fine then.” He stood up from my bed stretching and I noticed that he was wearing a pair of black sweats and a grey University of Boston t-shirt I’d sworn I lost a while ago. “I guess I'll just eat all those maple and cinnamon spiced pancakes I made by myself.”

It didn’t take before I dished out the gist to Pierce while stuffing his delicious pancakes in my mouth.

“Wow that guy from the boat?! I knew it was a good idea.” He mused while drinking his orange juice. I tried to openly glare at him. And here I was thinking that he’d feel guilty knowing my body might have been fish food. 

“So you guys hooked up at the club?” he asked stabbing a strip of bacon.

I shook my head “No but that was when he um…..made the proposal to me.”

“And you agreed?”

I nodded slowly. He dropped his fork “So you agreed to like be each other’s bang buddies? I’d say friends with benefits but you weren’t actually friends in the first place, but you both agreed not to be with anyone else while you're together thereby turning this into some sort of complicated but still vanilla style relationship?”

I thought hard about it before answering. “Yes.”

Pierce chuckled “Can’t you see this mate? It’s like he’s Christian fucking Grey and you're all Anastasia Steele expect with short hair and a bigger ass and I’d actually bang you”-

“Whoa this is purely vanilla not all that Dom/Sub nonsense.” I explained sternly. “He’s not into that anyway.”

“And you know because?”

“He told me.” I said in a duh tone.

“And you believe him because?”

“Stop it Pierce.” I said chewing “Look we both agreed on a simple, non-complicated relationship. We satisfy each other’s need and stay with only each other. Simple as that.”

“That’s what I don’t get.” Pierce confessed.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“Kendall you can barely kiss a guy first without knowing his social security number first. Just four days and you're already dry humping this guy in his car.” Of course he found out. “And from what you’ve told me the only time you’ve slept with someone was in your last two relationships back in America. We’ve been living together for almost 2 years and it was only last year you were comfortable with me coming into your room.”

“What’s your point?” I asked him twisting a piece of bacon on my fork.

“You hardly let people in. You’d never kiss someone you don’t even know let alone have a meaningless one night stand. For some reason the people around you have to reach a certain level of trust in your mind before they can get halfway. But this guy just bursts into your life in the oddest way ever and suddenly you’ve agreed to something as serious this.”

My throat felt dry. Pierce was right; I wasn’t someone who had a lot of friends or relationships or let people around me really. So why had I opened the door for Axel so easily?

“I-I don’t really know.” I said honestly “Around him it just feels like there’s nothing else to hide. I still don’t know what I'm doing but it honestly doesn’t feel as wrong or weird as it should.”

Pierce smiled at me as if he knew something I didn’t. “Don’t poke at your brain Kenny bear. All I just want is for you to be careful with this.”

Dirty Gold ✓ [bxb]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora