Fucking Milkovich

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Everything seemed to calm down after Nina had left. When she went back home, after staying the night at Carl's like she'd done so many nights before, Mandy didn't mention what happened and neither did Mick.

She knew it was most likely considering they knew better than anyone that she would just shut them out even more so, so for now the topic would remain under the covers.

Standing in front of the mirror in her room, she help up her shirt. The bruises were slowly going away. The ones on her stomach were still pretty dark but they weren't as bad as before. It didn't really bother her to be quite honest.

A knock on the window made her put down her shirt quickly. Sighing when she only saw Carl through the glass. Walking over to open the stuck window.

"You know Mickey and Mandy aren't home right?"

"Seriously?" He climbed in, falling onto the ground with a grunt.

"Yeah, so unless this was some sort of romantic Romeo and Juliet thing, there was no point" She crossed her arms, watching him get up from the floor.

He didn't respond, as he got up she thought he would say something, his sarcastic remarks or something, but he didn't.

Once he finally got up she didn't even have time to process that he had taken two long strides toward her, pushing her hips into the wall behind her. Lips hovering over her own.

She felt as though her heart would leap from her chest. He didn't speak, the room was silent. Nina couldn't even think of anything she would be able to say. For the first time she felt small, and she wasn't sure if she didn't like it.

She couldn't bear the slow and agonizing silence. Reaching up she grabbed his neck, pulling his lips to hers. From then on nothing felt slow anymore.

The way he kissed her made her feel like she was an addiction, she felt so wanted. His hands roaming every inch of her waist down to her ass, lifting her up and pushing her further into the wall with his hands on the backs of her thighs.

Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling harshly. She wasn't gentle, she didn't know how to be. So when he pulled back slightly from her biting his lip a little too hard, she smiled. She didn't like being slow, showed too much affection.

When he brought her away from the wall, placing her on the bed, she flipped them over almost instantly. She pulled back, kissing down his neck when he began to speak up.

"Wait, there's actually something I wanted to ask you" His breath had slightly hitched when she bit on the skin on his neck, not stopping as he continued. Mindlessly listening.

"Well it's just, we've been, doing this a lot more" he paused when her hands moved down his sides, "And I'm not with Dom anymore"

She hummed softly against his neck, reaching to the hem of his pants, undoing the belt. Barely hearing the words as they came from his swollen lips.

"Nina do you want to be my girlfriend?"

At this moment, her actions stopped. She sat up quicker than what would've been appropriate, almost falling from her spot on the bed. Her heart felt as if it was going 100 miles an hour, so fast it would skip a beat. Her stomach felt nauseas and her blood ran cold.

She climbed from his lap, by now he could tell she wouldn't give an answer he was hoping for. Yet he still waiting for her to speak, say anything other than the look of fear and confusion she had on her face.

"Girlfriend?" Her voice came out higher than she had hoped, her cool demeanor now gone and trying to regain its place.

"Yeah, you know make things official" It was gonna happen. She knew it already so soon, the words that would leave her mouth next wouldn't be the ones she wanted, but she couldn't stop it now.

"Carl we've been making out not claiming our fucking love" Stupid fucking Milkovich.

"Are you being serious, Nina?"

"Carl, I don't do relationships, you should know that more than anyone" Now it felt as if her stomach would explode. She didn't mean it, none of it. She wanted to say yes, but fear was speaking through her now and she didn't know how to stop it.

"Well with the way things have been I would've assumed you wanted this too" He had stood up now too, raising his voice slightly as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Way things have been? You mean me getting the shit kicked out of me and you comforting me? What you thought that meant I would want your dick in my mouth?" She had began to yell. Pacing back and forth.

"You know that's not what I meant-"

"Carl I'm not here to be your warm mouth, what did you think we were gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend or something?"

"Fuck, fine I'll go if that's how you feel"


"Fine!" He slammed the door as he walked out. She didn't move. She sat down right where she was, arms crossed and face contorted in anger.

"Fuck" Her whisper was barely loud enough for her to hear. She repeated herself over and over, until her voice was raised to a yell, throwing an empty beer bottle against the door.

Inhaling deeply she held her knees, to her chest. Nina you're such a fucking idiot. She couldn't help but hate herself, this isn't what she wanted. Why would you say any of that? Why do you always do this?"

Gathering herself, she climbed into her bed, sitting up with her hands on her forehead.

She's never had a relationship. Not a stable one anyway, outside of fucking and arguments that's basically where her knowledge ended. She was too selfish.

And it's not like she's ever seen an example of a healthy relationship. Well, Kev and V worked good but Nina didn't really know how she felt about the whole pegging aspect of it. She didn't even know if they actually did that or not, she just assumed.

Carl knew this. Yet she couldn't help but feel shitty for the way she said it. He was having actual real feelings, and she didn't know how to handle that, like always.

"Fucking hell"

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