Train Tracks

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"Carl, I'm gonna fucking fall if you keep walking so fast" Holding tightly onto his outstretched hand, silently regretting agreeing to the blindfold, she prayed Carl would keep her from falling. Again.

"You're fine, I'll catch you"

"Yeah right, you'd probably," Cutting herself as she stumbled slightly, her hands gripping Carls arms tighter, a laugh leaving his throat, "Drop me and laugh your ass off"

Of course that only made him laugh harder, his thumb softly caressing her hand, "Don't give me any ideas"

"Haha very funny Gallagher" Huffing she threw her head back in hopes to see out of the bottom of the blindfold, but to no avail, "Jesus Carl how much further?"

"We're almost there would you chill out" His voice joking, but her own annoyance with not seeing her own surroundings grew with every second. The feeling of nearly stumbling every few seconds no help.

"You're not the one that's fucking blindfolded!"

He laughed again, resulting in another groan as they kept walking, finally slowing to a stop, "Okay okay, stop you're wining we're here"

She reached her hands quickly to the cloth wrapped around her head, tilting her head to where she assumed Carl was standing, "A little help please"

His own hands pulled apart the tight knot. Running a hand through her hair she finally looked up. Cargo crates surrounded them, a small blanket it Carl's hands that she hadn't remembered from when they first started walking.

"What is this?" He shrugged, gesturing to the ladder beside one of the large metal containers.

"Well we've never been on a date, and I can't afford to take you somewhere nice-"

"On the train tracks?" She raised her eyebrows, his own features slightly dropping. A sigh leaving his lips as he rubbed his eyes.

"You hate it don't you, I told Ian it was a shitty idea"

"I love it" She cut him off quickly, stepping forward to pull his hands from his eyes so he could see her own growing smile. His face still unsure as she held his wrists in her hands gently.

"Seriously?" She laughed softly, rocking on her heels as she looked up to the ladder.

"Yeah. I didn't know Carl Gallagher was such a romantic" She caught the roll of his eyes, his lips turning into a small smirk.

"I am not a romantic" She rolled her own eyes, running her hands up to either side of his neck.

"Oh shut up" Pulling him in she smiled against his lips, his lips immediately responding as her lips made contact with his own, head tilting and hands moving to her own hips while she gently tugged at his lower lip, pulling away with a small smirk, "Besides, I like it more than gangster Carl"

Pushing him away softly she backed away from him, "Ladies first, Gallagher"

Scoffing with a very visible smile she watched him climb up the steps. Following soon after, she reached for his hand once she made it to the top of the large crate. Standing back as he laid down the blanket, taking her seat beside him.

She had to admit, it was a really nice spot. During the day it was probably a mess, ugly and dirty like the rest of the south side, but at night, it was a whole different story. The lights of the town could be seen perfectly from this spot. The soft glow of the signs from bars made the area glow a luminescent purple.

Sure it was cold as shit right now but she dressed accordingly. And Carl helped slightly with the warmth. Looking up to him from her head leaned on his shoulder she could see him in thought, eyebrows furrowed like he had something to say.

"What?" He looked down to her, sighing softly with a small smile on his face. Shrugging gently.

"I honestly didn't think you would like this"

Her eyebrows furrowed, sitting up, pulling her legs up to her chest, "Why not?"

Breathing deeply he hung his arms around his own knees, thinking for a moment.

"You're a Milkovich. I mean, Ian and Mickey beat the shit out of each other, Mandy and Lip were just always fucking, and you always hated when guys would do nice stuff for you. It just doesn't seem like this would be the kind of thing a Milkovich would like"

She nodded. It made sense, it was a reasonable thing to think. Her and her siblings had never been the ideal partners in a relationship.

Nudging him softly after a moment, he looked back at her, "Wanna know a secret?"

Nodding his head now, she looked down at her knees. Nails softly scratching at the fabric of her jeans.

"I think it takes the right person, I mean we don't all just hate the idea of nice things, I think we all just really don't think we can have it. I think we're all just way too used to shit shows to expect the nice parts of a relationship"

She stayed silent for a moment after, and so did he. It was honest. Licking his lips he nudged her like she had done before, smiling as she looked back to him.

"We're not going to end up beating the shit out of each other though, right?" She couldn't help but smile herself, a smirk taking place.

"Why? Scared you'll lose?" He smirked now, leaning towards her, their noses nearly brushing as his voice came out quiet.

"Not a chance" Leaning forward the space between them finally closed. Her hand moving up to the side of his face as their lips moved together, his own slipped around her torso, laying her down against the blanket. His other arm bending to hold him up above her.

She sighed gently against his lips as he pressed against her, his leg between hers. Her lips parting as his tongue met hers, pressing against each other softly as small sighs came from their lips. She moved her own hand up around his neck, gently tugging at his hair. Her legs bent, softly moving against the sides of his torso.

Biting at her lower lip as his lips left hers, moving to the sensitive skin on her neck. The slightly ticklish feeling causing small gasps to leave her lips as his head stayed buried in the crook of her neck.

"Shit!" Her voice came out as a soft whisper, seeing the glow of a flashlight.

"Hey! What are you doing up there!" Finally Carl's head shot up, the glare of the flash light reaching his face.

"Run" Jumping up they both rushed to the edge of the crate, climbing hastily down the ladder as the sound of grunts and keys jangling got closer. Getting down first she turned back waiting for Carl, watching as he jumped down the remaining way, nearly falling over in the process.

"You two get back here!" Scrambling to get up, Carl grabbed Ninas wrist, pulling her through the vast amount of crates. Loud laughs leaving each of their lips, both glancing back as they ran.

"Hey officer! Oink oink!" She quickly picked up a small handful of pebbles, throwing it against the shipping container beside the cop who jumped at the sudden noise.

Losing both of the two to the darkness. Hearing their laughs drift off as the shaking of the train passing grew louder and louder.

Another Milkovich- C.G.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora