Chpater Eight: Last Day

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Riley's pov:

I wake up and my back is facing Alex so I turn over and cuddle into her.

"Good morning" She says

I smile "Good morning, I hope I didn't wake you?" I say

"No, I've been awake just didn't want to leave your side" She states with a smile.

I move up and peck her soft lips then sit up. Alex soon after sits up too.

"What would you like to do today then?" She asks

"I don't mind, up to you" I say still a little tired.

"Great" Alex says and pushes me back to lay down. And then starts tickling me repeatedly

I laugh so hard I hardly manage to get "Al- Ex sssstopp" out of me.

She's stops and laughs at me.

I pout "I can't believe you just tickled me to death and now your laughing"

"You're really cute when you pout." She said and got up to go to the bathroom but I jumped out of bed and jumped on her back. We both fall to the ground.

Alex immediately turns to me "Oh my gad Riley are you okay??"

I laugh "Yeah I'm fine,sorry" I apologise

"It's fine I just wasn't expecting you" we both stand up from the ground "Ah what would I do without you aye" Alex says

"I don't know." I say jokingly and Alex just grabs me by the waist and pulls me into a kiss.

Just as passionate as the first.

We pull away and Alex goes to the bathroom to shower. I just get ready for the day. Even though I have no clue what we are doing yet.

After about half an hour Alex walks out in a bra and a towel around her bottom half.

And fuck she's hot can I say.

"Like what you got?" Alex asks smirking

A blush creeps into my face "No comment" I say chuckling

She chucks some black skinny jeans on and a blue shirt.

I go up to her while she's got her back towards me and give her a hug from behind.

She turned around smiling "You okay Ri?"

"Yeah, but what we gonna do when we get back tomorrow? We can't really walking in holding hands" I say pulling away

"Why not?" Alex asks jokingly "No I know what you're saying. It's not ideal because my dad is your mums boss. So maybe we can be a little more casual around them until we feel like it's time" Alex says

"Okie" I reply a bit sad but understanding

Alex pecks my lips and goes back to styling her hair.

We finally got ready. "Al but where we going?"

"To the mall? I need to get some bits and we can have lunch here too and maybe something you like" she said

"No no no, no getting me anything" I state

"We'll see, you've never been to this mall before I'm guessing?" Alex asks

"No, why?"

"Because from these past few days it has a lot of things in your style"

We get to the mall and spend a little bit of time in the Nike store.
"Let's go in here for a second" Alex says pointing at a gift shop


We walk in and let's just say there's a lot of things. Like I know it's a gift shop but this was another level.

"Right so I had an idea" Alex states " I know you're not too happy about keeping us a secret from our parents I'm not happy either so how about we try and find some relationship bracelets or rings or necklaces, pay half each before you say anything, and it will show our relationship in a un-very-obvious way"

"Sounds alright to me" I reply

We look through all the shelves and little places but nothing stood out to us. Until...Alex spots the perfect combo.  A bracelet and a necklace that go together.

"Do you like this?"Alex asks showing the combo to me.

"Yeah it's beautiful"

We end up buying them and as soon as we left the shop Alex put the necklace on me and I put the bracelet on her.

"Okay then, since that's done let's grab some food" Alex commands

We go to a sandwich booth sort of thing and ordered. We got some drinks and sat down. We talked until our food was done and when it was we tucked in.

After food we went to a few more shops and then back to the hotel.

"Had fun?" Alex and

"Yeah, thank you" I reply

"I'm glad. Now how about we order some food and watch something?" Alex asks

"Sounds great to me" I reply smiling.


After eating our food we cuddled.

One movie, two movies, now onto our 3rd.

"Al? Do you think what we are doing is right?" I ask suddenly

I look up at her as she answers "Honestly I don't know but I know that feelings are something you can't avoid nor hide nor just throw away. Therefore I think that's we are doing what's best for us"

I smiled and she smiled back. I leaned for a kiss. We pulled away and carried on cuddling.


Sorry if some of this chapter is meh. I got very pissed off and put some real hard core heavy metal on my earphones and decided to do some writing to help me calm down.

Anyway hope you enjoyed. Any feedback?



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