Without you

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It's a painful thought to think of. What might have happen if you never met the love of your life? (can't relate I'm about as single as they come) Where would you be? Who would you be? Would you find someone else you might care about even half as much as you do this person. Would it seem perfect because it's all you'd ever known. Would you hope for better or would you accept it gratefully.

Another painful question. Where would you be if you lost the love of your life? Liam imagined how he would spiral into a dark pit if he lost Theo. At one point in time he was determined to ignore Theo at all costs but now...now his world revolves around Theo.

He's been thinking about life without Theo since the attack. Theo was in a near death state after being attacked by the creature of the month. He tried to get their in time to stop it, but to no avail. He found Theo impaled. He rested in a pool of his own blood as Liam ran over. The wound of the vial creature wasn't healing.

Theo was about to give up before he saw Liam. Liam held one hand on the wound as the other hand combed through the larger boys sweaty hair.

Scott arrived halting in his place as he saw the puddles of blood and a never ending stream of tears. He knelt down tucking his arms under Theo's knees and back. Running he placed him into the bed of the truck. Liam climbed in, begging him to hold on.

He has been in a coma ever since. Liam sat with him everyday. He talks to him, reads to him, holds his hand. Anything to keep the boy he loves comfortable.

He continues thinking about what life would be like without Theo. He realizes at this moment that he would have no life without Theo.

Theo saved his life numerous times. Even when he claimed to hate him, he couldn't seem to stay away. Liam would be dead without the boy sitting next to him. Yet the one time Theo needed his help, the one time he needed saving Liam wasn't there.

He beats himself up over this fact. How could he let the boy he cares for more than anything be harmed in this way? Why couldn't he get there faster? Why couldn't he be stronger?

"It's all my fault" he thinks.

He never wanted to imagine a world without Theo, but he is going to be the reason he's in one.

Liam kisses Theo's forehead begging for forgiveness. Begging for him to come back.

"Im so sorry Theo. I'm so sorry" he says as tears slip past his eyes.

"I should have been there. I should have protected you." He cries, taking Theo's large hand into his own smaller one.

"Please forgive me. Please come back to me. I can't live without you."

Liam would never give up hope. Not as long as the monitor keeps beeping. Not as long as he can keep squeezing his hand...wait.

Liam looks over to Theo in confusion. He hadn't squeezed Theo's hand. Yet he feels the light squeezing sensation again.

He leans in closer with questioning eyes, Searching for any signs of life.

When Theo's eyes begin to flutter open, Liam begins shedding tears again. Nearly jumping for joy he throws himself onto Theo engulfing him in a massive bear hug.

"Miss me little wolf?"

Okay, i know this is rubbish but it's late and I wanted to write this. Sooooo yeah. How's everyone's quarantine? Well hope you enjoyed
Be safe and make memories

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