Chapter 3

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The next day, Percy visited the neighboring kingdom of Princess Annabeth. He was dressed like any other normal peasant. Long sleeve shirt, blue slacks, and a floppy hat to cover his head. You'd mistake him for King Nico if it wasn't for the tan and sea green eyes. All though he did get a matching strand of white hair from getting struck by lighting and the stress of the war. "Where do I find a Princess at this hour?" Percy muttered to himself. A strong wind caught onto his hat, carrying it away. "Hey!" Percy shouted after his hat. "Come back hat!" he shouted as a hand caught his 'beloved' hat. The one who caught his hat was a girl with wavy blond hair, stormy grey eyes, a white flowing ball gown, and a sliver tiara on her head. Next to the girl was a man with blond hair, a scar around his eyes, and blue eyes. "Luke.." the teenage whispered in disbeilf. For it was Perseus who was the one who gave the man the scar. He's was as good as dead now. 'Keep your head low' he told himself as he approached the couple(?) "T-That's my hat" Percy stammered looking down. The voice that came out of the girl's mouth was soft but serious too. "Oh, here you go. I'm Princess Annabeth. You must be new to this kingdom?" she smiled as Percy nodded. He bowed slowly and he felt the strong gaze of Luke's eyes burning into Percy's soul. "A-A, thousand a-a-apologies fair Princess." Percy said as the princess giggled. "It's quiet alright... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name" She smiled as Luke stared at Percy. "I'm sorry once more. I must be going." Percy panicked as Luke grabbed hold on Percy's arm. "Wait.." Luke stated as Percy froze. Luke's touch was almost as amazing at seeing him in ripped shirt showing his toned abs. 'NO! NO PERSEUS! He's the enemy!' Percy began to panic as Luke bent down and whispered into Percy's ears, giving him shivers down his spine, "I know who you are..... King Nicolas. You won't take MY Princess. Even if it's the last thing you do." With that Luke let go a bit forcfully and Percy made the mistake of glancing back at them. "Fair w-well dear princess." Percy waved and walked a bit fast towards the gates of the kingdom. Luke had just mistaken him as King Nico. Percy frowned and rolled his eyes. "Honestly you'd think a guy would remember me giving him a scar. Let alone kiss him" Perseus mumbled and blushed when he realized what he just said. He looked around and saw no one was even paying attention to him. He sighed in relief.

His secret was safe.

My Servant of Evil {Percico} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now