Chapter 38: Acceptance

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Third Person POV 

Jennie couldn't stop thinking about what happened the other day with Lisa. She knows that she is too late. She wanted to try and move on, she wanted to accept that the past will always stay in the past. She made it a point to accept Lisa's forgiveness and move on. 

Jennie had an Idea.. 

Jennie POV


"Hey, Jen. Whatsup?" Lisa said on the other end 

"Hey Lis, I just wanted to apologize for what happened. I have no right to demand for you to come back to me. I messed up and I have to deal with it. But I would really love to stay friends. We do have Kids together and I want them to grow up knowing we are okay. So.. do you mind if I invite you and Tzuyu, along with Kai, his wife and Ella over to dinner tomorrow night? Justin will be with me too." Jennie asks 

"Wow. Sure, Jen. We will be there. Thank you." Lisa says and the call ends

The next day.. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Mommaaaa. I get door k?" Justin says happily as he makes his way to the door 

"Ellaaaaa!" Justin runs up to her 

"Hey lil brother, how are you. I missed you!" Ella says as she carries him up 

"Hi Kai." I say as I hug him 

"Hey Jen!! This is krystal, my wife!" He introduces her 

"Lovely to meet you, Krystal!" Ella talks about you a lot!

"Likewise Jen, thanks for having us over. Here!" Krystal hands Jennie a bottle of wine

"Hi mommy!" Ella says to Jen as she hugs her tight 

"Hi Baby, I missed you! You better tell me about how school is later!" Jennie says as Justin drags Ella to the other room 

*Knock Knock* 

"That must be Lisa and Tzuyu" Jennie says as she smiles at Kai 

"Hi Jen!!!" Lisa says extending her arms 

"Hi Lis, and this must be the beautiful Tzuyu." Jennie says as she hugs her too 

"Thank you for having us Jennie, this is wonderful." Tzuyu says 

"Momma momma!!!" Justin runs to Lisa, and Ella follows as both of them hug her tightly 

Jennie thought to herself, in that moment.. this is what she had missed. A life with Lisa. 

"Come in! Dinner is ready!" Jennie says to the group 

As they made their way to the table compliments were exchanged, everyone was talking to each other, even Jennie did her best to act okay, she felt that maybe one day she could be. 

After dinner, Ella took initiative to put Justin to bed before they head out, meanwhile, Jennie, Kai, Krystal, Lisa and Tzuyu open a bottle of wine and talk amongst themselves.. Well for the most part it was just Lisa, Tzuyu, Kai and Krystal talking to each other as Jennie excused herself to clean up. 

Jennie heads to the kitchen as she puts all the used plates in the sink, but she couldn't help but tear up while doing so. She felt so empty, so sad, she felt broken and she just wanted to feel better. 

"Jen..." She heard a familiar voice called her and wiped her tears before turning back 

"Hey Kai...I am okay. Don't worry about me." Jennie smiles 

"I know its hard Jen, I know this isn't what you were expecting. I know you still love her. But Jen... its time for you to get your closure, not just with her but with yourself. Forgive yourself." Kai says as he hugs her 

"I know. I don't plan on ruining anything anymore, Kai. I am just happy she is in my life. I may not be okay now, but I will get used to this. Thank you for always being here for me. You and Krystal are amazing people." Jennie says 

"We will always be here Jen. Even Lisa, she will always be here for you. Maybe not the way it used to be, but she won't ever abandon you." Kai says as he signals that they should rejoin the group 

After a couple more minutes everyone bids each other farewell. First Kai and Krystal said their goodbyes and left with Ella. After they left Lisa went to kiss Justin goodbye before heading out.. which left Jennie and Tzuyu alone in the living room 

"Jennie, Thank you again for having us. You've been a lovely host. I know thinks may be a little awkward but I would love to hang out with you sometime." Tzuyu says 

"Definitely! I am so glad you guys had the time to come out tonight. Please just let me know if you or Lisa need anything. Take care of each other. She deserves the world" Jennie smile 

Tzuyu hugs Jennie, and Lisa walks in on them and smiles. She hugs Jennie goodbye, and they both make their way out 

Jennie is calmer now, than how she was before, she still loves Lisa but she knows she is in good hands 

(A/N: Or is she...?)  

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