Chapter 32: Honesty Night

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Jennie POV 

Upon arriving on their drive way, Jennie turns to V and says "Thank you for tonight. Thank you for being there. I just want you to know that I don't regret that kiss. I just need to speak to Lisa and be honest with her, about my feelings.. for you." She kisses him on the cheek and steps off his car 

Jennie walks into the house and sees Lisa making a snack in the kitchen 

"Hey baby, you're home pretty early for a night out with V. Miss me already??" Lisa laughs 

"Lisa... we need to talk." Is all Jennie could say 

Lisa now looks confused and worried, she nods and they both make their way to the living room 

"Whats up baby?" Lisa asks. 

Jennie takes a deep breath as she begins speaking "Lately. I haven't been feeling you, Lis. Lately I haven't been feeling this relationship. You are always busy, always out for work. I just don't know if I still feel the same as this emotional distance slowly made me love you less."

Lisa is now beginning to tear up, "Jennie, please don't leave me again. I don't think I can handle it for the nth time. You know I love you and I am sorry if I haven't been there for you lately but please know that everything I am doing is.." She is interrupted 

"I KISSED V!" Jennie says

Lisa just looks at her, "You.. you kissed V? Why?" she asks 

"Lisa, its not his fault, I made the first move. He would never want to hurt you." Jennie said 

Lisa stays quiet and whispers to herself "but you would.."

Jennie doesn't hear it and continues to go on "Lisa, spending time with V made me realize that I do have feelings for him. I can't lie about that. I wanted to kiss him because I wanted to be with him. I want to be with him Lisa." 

Lisa wipes her tears and smiles "What about us?" she asks 

"I think, we need a break. I think we need to see other people. If we are meant to be Lisa. Truly meant to be, we will find our way back to each other. Like we always do." Jennie says 

Lisa felt like she couldn't breathe but she didn't want to deprive Jennie of her happiness so all she could say was "What about this house that we share, we both don't have anywhere else. What about Justin?" she asks 

"Justin will always be ours, Lis. I will never take away the fact that he is your child even if we end up with different people, and as for this house, you can take the masters room, I will take the guest room. We can figure out the rest along the way." Jennie says 

"Keep the masters, I'll stay in the guest room." Lisa says 

"Are you okay with this Lisa? We need this. I need this." Jennie says 

"Your happiness has always been my happiness. If this is what you want.. if V is who you want. Be happy, Jen." Lisa says and walks away after  

Jennie gets her phone and dials V's number 

"Hey, Jen.. how'd it go?" He asks 

"Better that I thought it would. She didn't yell at me or anything, we just talked and cried. But she said, that uhm.. she is okay and she accepts if I want to give you and I a shot." Jennie says 

"Is that what you want Jen? are you sure that you are willing to slowly push Lisa farther away from you?" V says 

"I will always love her. Maybe not the same as I used to and I think this would give her the opportunity to love someone else too. Someone that could be better for her. So yes, V. I want to see where this takes us." Jennie says 

"Alright bub, Date tomorrow?" V asks 

"Sure bub!" Jennie says and the call ended there

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