Chapter 19: Its all an act

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Lisa POV

Lisa was finally discharged and permitted to go home, she was so excited for her future plans.

Rosie was driving her home, but first they had to stop by the pharmacy to pick up her medicine.

Upon entering, Lisa couldn't help seeing a familiar figure in the restaurant next door. It was Jennie... kissing someone else.

"Lisa, don't look. Look away. Please." Rosie snaps Lisa out from staring but it was all too late..

Jennie saw Lisa and approached them, "Hey Lisa, Ro..Jennie! What brings you guys here?" Jennie asks panicking

Lisa just shuts down... "You.. you said you loved me, how come this always happens to me..." a tear escapes her eye and she walks away

"Lisa... do you know who I am?" Jennie asks

"I thought I did." And she continues to walk away

Rosie looks at Jennie "You're my best friend and I've always stood by you... but I don't know how to do that anymore. Btw, she never forgot about you, she was planning to propose to you and bring Ella back here to start a family with you. Funny how she always is left by you right before something great." And Rosie walks away

"Rosie I didn't know, and it's not what you guys think. The person I'm with, it's Jisoo... she's just wearing a hoodie, she doesn't want to be seen, and I know what it might have looked like but we weren't kissing on the lips, I just gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek coz I had to go and she's in a bit of a mess she blames herself for what happened to you and Lisa. She just needed a friend." Jennie explains

Jisoo exits the restaurant and Rosie looks her way, she immediately turns around and starts walking faster towards the opposite direction

"Jennie, I need to go after her, I'm sorry. But... you need to go after someone too." She says as she runs after Jisoo

Jennie POV

Jennie takes her phone out to text Lisa.

*Lisa, Rosie told me everything. It's not what you think I was with Jisoo.* -J

*Yeah I know. Chu messaged me. I'm sorry.* -L

*Where are you?* -J

*Behind you.* -L

Jennie turns around and to her surprise Lisa is on one knee, finally about to say the words she has waited to hear

Lisa begins "Jennie Ruby Jane, you must want to kill me for acting like I didn't remember you. For making you feel that our memories were shared with someone else. But Jennie, despite that. Despite me pretending to be all those things. You stood by me. I didn't know if my plan to bring Ella here would happen, but it did, I didn't know whether I'd ever be with you again, but here we are. I might be a pain in the ass, but Jennie Ruby Jane will you do me the honor of being my wife and raising a beautiful little girl with me? And I'm sorry again, you and I know my heart is incapable of forgetting you."

Jennie was about to speak her part when suddenly..

Lisa gets a call

*Hello?... what?... no.. please... they said I could finally adopt her!!*

Lisa starts crying.. "what happened, Lisa??" Jennie asks

"They said I can't adopt Ella anymore, because of the accident, they don't know if I'll be capable to take care of her." She says still in tears

"Lisa, we will adopt Ella, whether they like it or not, we will show them that she will be so loved with us. You and I are going to go there and prove it to them." Jennie says with determination

"You will really go with me?" Lisa smiles a little

"Yes.. and yes." Jennie responds

"Huh?" Lisa asks as she forgets she's still on one knee..

"OHHH!!!!!" She says and stands up as she grabs Jennie closer and kisses her.. "My future is in my hands.." she says.

I was her first, she was my last.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt