"First of all, you guys are my family, I appreciate everything that you guys did for me, even though I did not show gratitude sometimes," I spoke. "I needed something to remind me how grateful I am for you, I needed someone to come into my life, and prove to me that the people who you're living with now, will never count as something under family, because they will always be your family; no matter what."

No one talked, so I continued. "My goal in life was to find a family, and this whole time; I already had a family, but I think I was looking for something more, and honestly, i believed that family is defined by blood and not the love we have for each other."

"That something turned to someone," I quietly said. "Eleanor, I now understand why you did not want me to go to the police station."

Eleanor's eyes widened as she looked at me, "w-what are you talking about?"

"However, your nephew did something he deserved to be punished for," I said. "I stopped trusting you when you refused to side with me, but now I'm sitting here, knowing why you didn't want to go to the police station."

"What did your nephew do, Eleanor?" Joey asked.

"You're all probably confused, so let me rewind a bit, okay?" I raised my eyebrows. "Eleanor was having a family gathering where..."


"Hello, how have you been?" Eleanor hugged her sister.

"I've been doing great, thank you!" Her sister, Gracie, chirped. "Hey, Scarlet!"

"Hey," I smiled at her, as I welcomed her inside.

"My kids are still in the car," she pointed outside, and I nodded.

"Scarlet, you probably remember my twin daughters, Hailee and Bailee!" Gracie introduced.

Two beautiful blonde girls walked in, "hey, Scar! I hope you remember us."

"I do," I nodded.

"Here comes my only son, Damon," she pointed at a blond guy who walked in holding a little girl. "And that's the baby of the family, Eleanor, named after my older sister."

"She's adorable," I awed.


As the girls and I sat in my room, we talked about anything, however; I wasn't really into their talk, because most of their talks were about boys in their school or make up.

"Knocki, knocki, the boys are coming!" Leo walked into the room, closely behind him was his cousin Damon.

"I only have one question, how can you handle four boys? We can hardly handle one," Hailee exclaimed.

"It is what it is," I mumbled. "Leo, can you leave us alone?"

"Three girls against two dumb boys, we won, now bye," Bailee waved her hand in the air.

"Fine," Leo huffed. "But this is not over."

Flashback ends

"What happened that day?" Leo asked.

"Remember when I was in my room, I thought they left, so I went to take a shower," I said. "I was naked when I got out, and you guys know not to enter if you knocked and you didn't hear my voice. Anyway, turns out that your cousins didn't leave, because Damon was in the room, looking for something." 

"I told him to look for the charger in my room, how in the world could the charger go to your bedroom?" Leo hissed.

"He started touching me," I looked down. "He almost raped me if your mom didn't come into my bedroom."

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