Silver had various deep cuts across her face, blood dripping down from them onto her pale grey blankets. "Sleep now Silvy, you'll be okay. Please just bring back you're Veela, you'll heal. It'll make you better, she can't hit you then." He pleaded with her over and over again while her unconscious body lay lifeless in her bed. Severus sighed and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead before walking out into his own room. 

He walked to the mirror and lifted up his shirt exposing the scars and cuts that were engraved on his skin. Instantly, memories flooded into his mind, engrossing him in his brutal past. He had always protected Silver, due to her Veela powers their parents never hurt her, emotionally, yes but never physically. They knew she had the power to fight back, but what Silver didn't know, was that they would take it out on Severus instead. It started off as slaps and getting spit at, but before long they began using weapons like metal rods and leather belts and of course using spells and curses on him. 

The worst one was a large, deep scar down his back. Silver had gotten into trouble with mother and enraged her greatly whilst she was making dinner. Severus convince her to hit him instead of Silver, but it was more than just a hit. Their mother drove a knife into his back and ran it down, like gutting a fish. His screams were drowned out by the spell their father casted, Silver was in her room reading the latest edition of Quidditch Quarterly unaware of what was happening in the room beneath her. Severus would never tell her, she wouldn't know how to take it. She would think it's all her fault, Severus had never let their mother or father hurt her before. But he did that night, she got hurt and it was all his fault. 

The following morning, Silver's cuts were bandaged and her other injuries were treated thanks to Trixie. The house elf was very thankful that she had allowed Hagrid to keep Galleon over the summer. Silver was still suppressing her power which was doing her no good. Her face was growing paler and she was becoming weaker. Trixie was constantly begging her to return her power but everytime she responded with, "I'm selfish, I don't deserve them." Severus had explained what happened to her and although Silver remained quite reactionless, she agreed to forgive him for helping her. Severus ensure to leave out the parts where he was receiving abuse from their father.

Later that day, she received five different letters, the first being from Lily:

Severus sent a letter explaining what happened, I'm so sorry Silver. Please turn on your power, I need you to be able to protect yourself. I need to know you're safe while you're there. Not to make things worse but I can't go to Potters for he last two days of the holidays. Petunia's bringing her boyfriend over for the week and mother says I have to stay and greet him.

Much love, Lily Evans

The second one was from Remus and Peter who was staying with him,

Pup, please return to you're Veela. Think about the full moon, I'm not going to be there to help you this time and if you don't have you magic then how will you cope. I hope you're doing well, tell Severus about your transformation, he'll be able to help.

See you soon Pup, Remus 'Moony' Lupin 

Silver, are you okay? I miss you, I knew Sirius and Hunter were bad for you. My offer still stands, you don't need to turn your magic back on for me, I can protect you.

Can't wait to see you, Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew

Third was Ivy,

Silver Swan Snape, you turn that magic back on right now or so help me I will come over there and make you! I love you Silver but you are being very stupid. Anyway, you better be coming to James' because I cannot handle those boys without you and Evans.

Love you, Ivy Throne

Forth one was from Tyler which managed to make Silver smile weakly,

What's up little V, how you doing? I'm not going to bring up your magic because I'm sure the others are doing enough of that. Hunter keeps apologising but don't worry, I've told him to piss off many times. I got your back V, I already miss you and the others. Potters actually invited me round with the rest of you at the end of the holidays.

See you soon, Tyler Cole

And finally the fifth one was from James and Sirius,

Hello there Cub, how are you doing? Turn your bloody magic on! Now! I know you're not selfish, you know you're not selfish. Please, just listen to me. I'm begging you, do it for me. If you don't have them on by the time you come over, I will not be afraid to get Ivy to make you.

Hope you're doing well Cub, James 'Prongs' Potter

Hey Princess, I know we haven't spoken much so I'll keep it short. Please turn you magic back on, Tillie was wrong and I'll make her pay for that. I love you, Silver. I always will.

I miss you, Sirius 'Padfoot' Black

"You know you can write to them too, at least let them know you're doing ok. Or just one of them, just let Lily know you're okay." Severus pleaded as he sat on the floor of her bedroom, whilst Silver was reading the same magazine she'd read for the last week. "No." She stated firmly making Severus groan and flop back and lie down on the black carpeted floor. "I'll speak to them when I go round there in a couple of weeks." She groaned throwing a book down at him allowing him to catch it.

"Then I'm coming too."

Snivellus' sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें