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Blair's desiccated body laid in front of five people, Elena Gilbert, Blaine Nolan, Lexa Meyers, Alexandra Le Morte, and Stefan Salvatore. It was a true Mystic Falls funeral, they were in a clearing in the middle of the woods, flowers surrounding the body.

Elena stepped forwards, beside the body, and looked back at the four people. "We came here today to mourn the death of Blair Nolan. In her dying moments, she asked me to give out letters she wrote to four people. So that's what I'm gonna do, to honor her." She pulled out the four envelopes.

"The first, for Blaine. The next for Alexandra. One for Lexa. The last for... Klaus, but he isn't here." Elena trailed off. The three came forward, taking it from her. Klaus walked into the clearing, his expression grim.

"I heard there was something for me." He said, his voice sad. Elena handed it to him.

Alexandra was the first to open her letter.

Alexandra Le Morte,

My best friend. My sister. I'm dead by the time you're reading this, thanks for making eh drive by the way. I can't imagine how annoying traffic was. Anyway, life is always unpredictable, in choosing who lives and who dies. So, my final wish for you? Tell life to go fuck itself. Go where you want to go and do what you want to do, no consequence, like we used to in the fifties. Live your life. Take care of yourself, don't get killed. Most importantly, stay out of Mystic Falls. The only thing that happens to vampires here is they die. I should know. One last thing, please don't be upset about me. I don't want to cause anymore troub- the words were cut off my tear stains on the paper.


Next, Lexa opened hers carefully.

Lexa Meyers,

          The young human I adore so much. We haven't spoken in what seems like forever. But you came to my funeral! How do I look? Probably not great, right? That's fine. I'm dead, I'm not meant to look good. Don't let yourself get caught up with all of this supernatural, vampire stuff. I want you to live your best human life. Forget about me, what I was, what Blaine is . Forget all of it. You deserve happiness. So take it. Travel where you want, don't think about the consequences. As they say, you only live once.


Lexa let out a sob as tears streamed down her face. Third, Blaine's note was torn open.


        My big brother. I'm sure you're upset, I would be too. I need you to stay strong. Don't fall into a bloodlust driven by depression over my death. I'd feel horrible. I never said it, but I'm sorry about the twenties. I was stupid. Mad about what you'd done to me. By the way, I forgive you for that too. I never really told you that, but I forgave you. I hated that we were on opposite sides. I could never have hated you, Blaine. You're my big brother. My blood. I used to dream about they days when we would sit in front of Mother and Father as I sung and you would dance, and they would laugh at us, when Mother was pregnant and we would sit beside her all day, feeling her stomach to see if we could feel the kick. Those moments bound us for all eternity. So, in your time of need, remember, I am always with you. You just can't see me. I love you more than you know. I'm sorry I died. That damn hunter got the best of me.

         Your loving sister

Lastly, Klaus opened his letter, to find two notes.

Niklaus Mikaelson,

               You broke your promise, you bitch.  Also yes, I've found a way to insult you from beyond the grave. I know that in you heart that's two sizes too small, you do care about me. Maybe you even loved me, just not in the same way I loved you. Sealed in this letter is the note I wrote to you when I believed you died. I know, cheesy, right? I don't really have anything else to say that I didn't say in that note, so, if you've already read that, you went out of order but whatever, and if you haven't go ahead and read it now.


Klaus folded that note back up and took the other note out.


              You're dead. Apparently Alaric just killed you. I wish I could've been there. I should've been there. When they desiccated you all I could do is sit there and watch and pretend I wanted it to happen. That was the most painful thing I've had to do ever since I met you. I just recently figured out why. It's because I loved you. I do love you. It was just too little too late I guess. But you did the single most important thing in life. You died. So good job, I guess. You achieved more than the rest of us ever could. I'll miss you, Niklaus Mikaelson. I'll miss you.

Until we meet again,

                Your friend

Klaus gulped as he folded the second note, putting it back in the envelope. Everyone had visited the body, except for him. He walked over to her. A tear fell from his eye as he looked at her. After the tears had gone away, he turned back around.

From the other side, Blair stood next to her body, smiling as the tear fell. "I'll be okay, Niklaus." He turned around.

"I'll be just fine."

Word count: 997
I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's the end of my first published book. thanks for the constant support!


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