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1613, Ireland

"Wait, I don't understand. Why must we leave? This is our home! These are our people!" The eighteen year old Blair Nolan said to her father, her hands gripping his sleeve as she pleaded. He smiled softly, her reminding him of himself when he was her age. Blaine, 20 at the time, remained quiet, packing the things he needed. He'd always been like that, quiet and complaisant.

"We are not safe, dear." Her father, Paul, responded, his tone almost sad. "The English do not take kindly to those who disobey their orders."

"Mother wouldn't have wanted us to leave. To hell with what the goddamn English want! I have to stay." She fought back, throwing some of the books Blaine had just loaded up. Her father's expression turned from somberness to anger. She had a habit of going a little too far, but she knew she was in trouble now.

"Blair Aibreann Nolan! You will not dare disrespect me or the name of your mother again!" Her father raged, grabbing her arm, dragging her over to their cart and tying her to it. Ever since her mother, his wife, died, she'd always been a sore subject.

She yelled for about an hour, before finally giving up and sitting down. Blaine walked over to her and sat down. "Are you trying to die? You know not to mention Mother to him."

"Blaine, I am so tired of being stripped of my free will. Why? Because Mother died, and he is too grief stricken to speak of it. It's been 5 years, for God's sake." She complained, shifting on the ground.

"It'll be alright." Blaine encouraged her, rubbing her shoulder and getting up. "Once we get to Scotland, I'll fix all of this. I just need you to be strong, for both of our sakes."

1614, Scotland

Blaine was now twenty-one, Blair was now nineteen, and counting the days until her brother would "fix" their situation. She had no idea how he planned to do it, but one foggy August night, he did. Blair was out with a new friend of hers, Saoirse, for hours they sat talking and drinking bad wine. It was dark by the time she returned home. She was met with the most horrible, gruesome sight she'd ever witnessed.

At the sight of her brother killing her father— ripping his throat open with animal-like teeth— she ran. Unfortunately, she could never run fast enough to escape him now. He was in front of her at the blink of an eye, grabbing her by the shoulders. Tears streamed down her face, as she let out a ragged, panic stricken cry.

"Blair, you're late. I had to get started without you, but look, I'm fixing things! I'm just gonna need you to..." He spoke sadistically, before biting into his wrist and putting it to her mouth, forcing his blood down her throat. She gagged once he removed his arm, falling to the ground.

"Stop being so difficult. This is what you wanted." Blaine coaxed, walking closer to her as she scrambled away from him, until she hit the wall. He grabbed his father's sword, which had blood soaked all on it, and in one swift motion, slit her throat before she could even beg him to stop.

It was about an hour and a half later when she woke, confused and with a hell of a headache. Now there was someone else there, one of Blaine's friends, Micah. She'd only met him once, but he didn't seem all that bad.

"What did you- how did I- I didn't mean kill him, you fucking idiot!" She yelled, a sudden burst of rage piercing her inner core. She had no clue where it came from. Her focus was on her brother, who leaned against the table with an arrogant smirk, until a smell hit her nose. It was unfamiliar, but so attractive, it was like pulling metal to a magnet.

Blaine brought forward Saoirse. Saoirse had a wound on her neck and blood flowing down and staining her dress. She stood up closer, walking to Saoirse. Blair touched the blood with her ring finger and brought it closer to her, taking a deep breath as tears formed in her eyes. She looked up at Saoirse, who stood, expressionless, her neck still bleeding.

"You know what you want to do, Blair. Come on." Blaine pressed on. With those words, she gave in. The veins under her eyes as unfamiliar fangs grew in her mouth.

As it is for all blossoming vampires in transition, she had no control, once she started, she couldn't stop, until she was pulled away. Blaine told her everything she needed to know about being a vampire and vampirism, and even gave her a daylight ring.

She was still fuming, and that's when her life would change for centuries to come, but she finally understood why he was doing this. Heightened emotions, he said. He always hated their father, but never enough to act on it, before now. A quick nod from Blaine to Micah was all it took. Before she understood what was happening, his hands were raised towards her and he began to chant.

"às deidh bàs cadail, dùisg." He repeated. Over and over again. As Blair was about to pass out into a sleep that would last centuries, Blaine kissed her on the forehead, as one final declaration of brotherly love.

Once she passed out, Micah stopped chanting and Blaine walked back over to him.

"Very nice work, Micah. I am impressed. Will this last as long as I intend it to?" Blaine asked, picking up his sister.

"It will last at least 100 years after my death. At most 500 years. The spirits could wake her at any time. They definitely do not like me working with you." Micah told him, causing a bit of anger to bubble up inside of him.

"I'm doing what is best for my little sister. I could not care less about what your spirits have to say in the matter. This is simply a precaution to keep her safe. She's immortal now, what more could she want?"

"Blaine, the spirits only see those who are immortal as abominations. I just helped an abomination. I'm a traitor." Micah explained, sighing as he looked down upon the redhead. "Since the spell required your blood, her life is connected to yours until she wakes up. She'll be just as strong as you, just as fast. If you die, she dies..."

Blaine shrugged Micah's troubling tale off, placing his sister in a coffin, where she would spend the next few weeks while he planned for where to keep her. When he decided, he set off with Blair, leaving everyone and everything behind him. That was a trick he learned from the tales of Klaus, which he was told by the vampire who turned him.

America was a vastly different land, with different people. Since, at the time, the colonists were more interested with the West Indies than Virginia, Blaine found a mining town, with a tomb. With charm and a bit of compulsion, Blair now had a place where she would reside for hundreds of years.


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