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"You know, usually it's a lot more... busy here." Blair commented, looking around the Salvatores mansion.

"You're right. That means they're probably up to something." Klaus said back to her, as she walked over to a table and picked up one of the two white oak stakes.

"Well, one down, one to go." Blair handed Klaus the stake and followed him down the stairs to the basement that she was rather familiar with. They found Alaric and Stefan talking to one another in a cell.

"Well, this is depressing, isn't it?" Klaus says, making their presence known. Stefan stood up.

"Oh, and we found this" Klaus showed them the stake. "upstairs. Now, by my count, there should be one more."

"Yeah, well it's gonna take a little more time." Stefan said.

"Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out?" He pointed to Alaric. "No thanks. I think I'll just kill him."

"Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake." Stefan pointed out.

"I can live with that." Klaus said.

"Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?" Stefan crooked his arms.

"So, the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding a stake? And to get it we need you to pass out." Klaus looked over at Alaric.

"That means I feel totally inclined to doing this." Blair cut in, rushing over to Alaric and breaking his neck, flashing a smile at Stefan.

"There. Sleeping like a baby." Klaus said, as Stefan glared at the pair.

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"Where are you? We're going to the Salvatores." Klaus said from the phone.

"Oh, no need to worry. I'm chasing a little lead of my own. Have fun with your little pet, though." Blair said, slamming her car door shut.

"Wait, where are you?" Klaus asked again, sounding slightly more worried.

"Just catching up on some family business. I'll see you later." Blair said, as she watched Blaine get a drink at the bar.

"Okay. Be safe." Klaus added, before she hung up and sat beside Blaine at the bar.

"I'm surprised to find you not chasing Elena around." Blair said, waving the bartender over and asking for a scotch, neat. Blaine chuckled as he watched her drink being poured.

"I'm busy, go away." Blaine took a sip of his drink.

"I can't even enjoy a drink with my oh-so-loving brother? You can't break all ties with me just because we don't exactly see eye to eye." Blair grabbed her drink.

"you know, I don't think you are seeing at all. Bonnie told me you're compelled. Originals can compel vampires, Blair. You need to realize you're being compelled. He isn't your friend or your ally or whatever. He's using you. I'm gonna save you, though. It's my job." Blaine said, downing the last of his drink, before placing a bill on the bar and walking out.

"This is exactly the reason I lived in New York." Blair muttered, taking a sip of her drink.

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"Why did I even have to come with you anyway? High school dances are SO not my scene." Blair asked, her arm intertwined with Klaus's as they walked into the high school gym.

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