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"Hello?" Blair answered her phone.

"Hello, love." She heard the voice she recognized as Tyler's.

"Tyler? How are you even alive?" She asked, looking around to make sure no once was listening to her as she walked through the park.

"I'm hurt you don't recognize me, though you might just still be mad at me." Tyler commented. Blair stopped walking and her face fell.

"Niklaus? You- I thought you died. Why do you sound like Tyler?" She asked, in shock.

"I convince Bonnie to do a body swapping spell to keep her friends alive. She's gonna put me back once she finds a way to keep Elena human." He informed her.

"Well, where are you?" Blair asked, putting a hand into the pocket of her trench coat.

"Lockwood Cellar."

"Fine. I'll be there soon." She said, and hung up before he could argue. She let her lips form into a grin before speeding off to find him. It didn't take long to get to the cellar, only about four or five minutes.

"Niklaus?" She called out as she walked down the stone brick steps. She saw Tyler when she got down to the cellar. "Okay, that's trippy."

"Yes, well, I need my precious doppelgänger to be human before I need my old body back." Klaus said as she opened up the coffin.

"Pity. I much prefer that one." She said as she looked down at his desiccated and partly burnt body. She turned back to him. "You know, Rebekah and Elijah believe that you've died."

Before he could answer, Tyler's phone rang. Klaus groaned. "You incessant woman!"

He answered the phone. "Hey, mom. What's up?"

"Tyler, thank God. Are – are you okay?" Carol asked, obviously distressed.

"Fine. Why? What's going on?" Klaus asked, pretending to be Tyler.

"Pastor Young had me arrested this morning. The Council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better."

"Mom, I'm okay. Relax."

"You didn't answer your phone, honey. I was so scared that you were with Caroline." Klaus's eyes widened at the mention of Caroline.

"Why? What happened to Caroline?" 

"The Council took her." Carol explained.

"What do you mean they took her?" Klaus was obviously getting worried.

"I- I don't know they just took her away." Carol stuttered. Klaus hung up the phone and walked towards the exit, before stopping and looking back at Blair.

"Well, go on then, save your damsel. I've got things to do anyway." She smiled. He nodded at her, before leaving. Of course, it hurt her that he used her, but in the end, he was her only friend left, and she was his.

She sighed as she walk back up the steps. Her head heart from constantly suppressing her emotions. As she walked through the woods, tears spilled from her eyes. She looked around, quickly wiping her cheeks before anyone saw her. She took her phone out of her pocket and answered a call from Blaine.

"Hey." She said, with a small sniffle.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Her brother asked, concern laced in his tone.

"No. Not- Not really." She let out a small sob, more tears falling.

"Tell me where you are." Blaine told her.

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