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After that, Klaus left to find his brother, Finn. Blair watched from the shadows as the Salvatores schemed, but she never could quite figure out what they had planned.

"Niklaus." Blair put the phone to her ear as she sat at the bar in Mystic Grill.

"Blair. I require your assistance with something." Klaus said.

"And what might that something be?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"The Bennett witch. She helping get rid of the link between me and my siblings."

"And I assume you need me because this isn't voluntary for her?" Blair said, placing a bill on the counter and walking out to her car.

"Mhm. How soon can you be here?"

"Give me five minutes. See ya." She said, hanging up and throwing her phone in the passengers seat. She got there rather quickly, trying to be there before dark. She walked in the living room, to find Klaus and Bonnie.

"I don't think we've had the chance to meet yet. I'm Blair." Blair smiled at Bonnie, who only scowled.

"I know who you are. That crazy bitch that tried to murder her own brother." Bonnie spat. Blair let out a mock gasp.

"Actually, I am saving his life. If it weren't for me he would be dead right now." Blair said before they all heard Damon scream in the other room.

"What was that?" Bonnie asked Klaus as Blair walked that way.

"I wouldn't let it bother you, love." Klaus said as Blair saw Rebekah and Damon. She let out a small laugh and went back to Klaus' side.

"Well, it does bother me. You bother me. Well, you use people to get what you want, it's not right. You're using Blaine's sister by compelling her."  Bonnie gestured to Blair. He smile fell and she glared at the young witch.

"You're being emotional, Bonnie. I understand that things have been rough for you. You know, with your mother leaving. Again. It's very sad. I can help you find her, if you want. I have people who can find people who can bring her back to you. Or, if you choose I can just bring parts of her back." Bonnie pushed Klaus away from her. "Isn't it obvious that I'm just gonna continue to hurt the people you love until you do the spell? Now, I know it's in the grimoire and I know it requires the blood of my siblings, so here we are."

Klaus grabbed a case and opens it. There are four bottles of blood within it. Klaus pointed to them.

"Elijah. Rebekah. Kol. Finn." Klaus bit into his hand and held out his bleeding hand clenched in a fist and looked at Bonnie.  "Where do you want this?"

Bonnie looked away and grabbed a glass, holding it under Klaus's hand so his blood can drip into it.

Klaus and Blair watched as Bonnie began the spell. She started chanting in Latin as she poured the blood into the glass. When all of the blood was in the glass, She poured it in the middle of a circle of candles, still chanting. Soon enough, the blood began to separate into five puddles, for five siblings. The candles rose as Bonnie became more intense. When she finished the spell, she looked very sad, ashamed even, if what she'd just done.

"Oh, lighten up. You were a big help." Blair smiled at the girl, who looked like she wanted to kill her.

Klaus grabbed all of Bonnies things and put them in her bag, giving it to her. After she put her bag on her shoulder, Klaus grabbed her and began walking her out, Blair followed.

"Aw, leaving so soon?" Rebekah said as she came from around the corner, wiping blood off of her hands.

"Sister. Be nice." Klaus said.

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