~ e i g h t ~

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I was on top of the building. Ninjago was dark and destroyed but I just looked down. The innocent going away and turning into nothing. I didn't want to watch but my body forced me with a grin. What have I become? I'm suppose to protect people, not hurt them. Footsteps grew louder and then stopped.

"Lloyd?" a voice questioned.

I look around to see Kai. No... Not this again...

My powers got out of control, making me look like a monster. A mix between oni and mist.

"Please, I know you are in there Lloyd." Kai sweetly said.

Kai. I'm not me...

A grin was plastered on my face as my powers grew. The dark consumed him making him choke.

Kai! I Tried to lower my powers down but they got stronger. I went to Kai to see his body fighting.

"L.Ll.Lloyd." He slowly stuttered.

I touched his face and he stopped breathing.

No.. No... Not Kai... What have I become?

"You are your Destiney, Lloyd. You will choice the oni to rule this land." The voice said.

My head ponded to all of the plans the voice wanted me to do. The plans. The deaths.

"Stop..Stop.." I quietly plead

"You can't stop your Destiney Lloyd Garmadon."

I was left seeing the city filled with faded memories.


"No..No.." Lloyd mumbled in his sleep.

His breathing was heavy and his heart was beating fast.

"Hey. It's ok Lloyd." I said in a warm tone.

Seconds later I felt tears soaking my Gi. A small cry filled the room.

"Hey. You are safe Lloyd." I said while rubbing my hand on his back.

"I'm a monster Kai." Lloyd whimpered.

"Lloyd, you are not." I said while trying to comfort him. "You are a protector too many. People know you are a hero, no matter what."

The crying was getting quiet.Then I looked into his eyes.Besides the tears dripping down, his emerlard eyes shined. My face started to blush.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good now. Thank you, Kai." Lloyd mumbled. His stomach growled.

"Looks like someone is hungry." I joked. He quietly giggled. It was sweet and pure.

"Guess I am." He replied.

We got up and went to the kitchen. I made sure Lloyd sat down to build up some energy while I get something for him.

"What did you want again?" I asked.

"Double dip, tea, and some sweets please?" He said.

"Weird request but ok." I said.

A laugh came out of Lloyd. Damn, he is making me blush.

I got the stuff and made the tea.

"Thanks." He said sweetly.

Lloyd then put the double dip into the tea.

"You are crazy Lloyd." I told him.

"I know."

The room then went into a cold silence. The clock could be heard from the other room.  Lloyd also knew something was up.

"Somethings off. Jay and Cole would be yelling at each other right about now." I said while getting off my chair. "I'm going to figure this out."

I left Lloyd in the kitchen alone and proceeded to find the others.

Where the hell are you guys, I thought a little worried.

A note caught my attention. It was on Lloyd's door.

To Kai and Lloyd,

We didn't want to do this but we really don't have a choice with Sensei gone missing. We are going to cloud Kingdom to get answers and to stop this cult. But you guys are not safe so I suggest to move around the outskirts on Ninjago till we get back.


Nya, Jay Cole, and Zane.

Frustration went through my body.

Why does this cult have to do this? I thought.

I walked to the kitchen with the frustration on my face.

"Kai?" Lloyd said while coming to me.  "What happened?"

"The others went to get information. They took Wu." I said with anger.

"No. Not Wu."  He went into my arms.

I could feel all the pain he is feeling. My heart was aching to make him feel better. But it is hard at this moment with the cult on our tail.

"We will get Wu back and the others will know what to do. But we have to hide in the meantime so go pack some clothes and I will meet you outside soon."

I feel a little nod and we got our stuff. I can't believe we have to leave the monastery. But for Lloyd's sake, it is the safest option. I packed four days' worth of clothes, a first aid kit with personal hygiene, and some photos of all of us.

We will fix this. We always do.

I looked at my room one last time and left. The memories are just left in these walls. I walk out to see Lloyd with his backpack full of stuff.


"Yeah. Let's go."

And with that, we left the monastery to be left alone.


hope you guys like (even tho it was short) I will try to make the next part as soon as I can because this is short:/


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