Chapter 13- Assistance

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Peeta and Katniss spends an hour discussing ideas on how to get information from the Capitol live through Haymitch. "Maybe Haymitch could have one of them hidden cameras or something with a live feed to us so we can see who votes and to see what Paylor tells the of us? Katniss suggests. Peeta huffs before he replies "Haymitch will probably say no!... Right?" Katniss shrugs her shoulders in answer. "We could always ask him" she answers. Peeta looks puzzled "but what if he votes yes because of the Capitol people. Would He?" Katniss looks at Peeta astonished that he had put so much thought into it. She becomes worried as she begins to question him too. "Surely he wouldn't with what he went through and everything he lost. Peeta I don't think Haymitch would be able to say yes, especially if we are watching through camera's or even in person if it comes to it." she says defending Haymitch. 

Peeta thinks over what his wife has just said and nods his head in agreement. "I suppose you are right love, and besides now that we have children and Annie has a child he would never dream of saying yes!" He looks over to Katniss to see if he is right but she still doesn't look completely sure. "We should give him a call and let him know what is happening and what we need him to do before he sets off for the capitol." Katniss suggests. Peeta gives a little chuckle before replying " we can't he pulled the phone out of the wall after Effie had fixed it remember." Katniss gives an annoyed sigh "Why did he have to tear it out of the wall the idiot! We need to go see him Peeta" She says frantically. Peeta agrees but wonders what to do with the children. Katniss answers his unspoken question. "We will take Landen and Rose with us, it might help persuade Haymitch to do the right thing...Not that he should need it" She says. Peeta doesn't really like that idea. "I don't know, Haymitch tends to be drunk and violent. He sleeps with a knife remember!" He says. Katniss just shakes her head. "It's okay Peeta I will go in first and check if he is drunk and disarm him. Then I will shout you when its safe" she soothes. Peeta nods his head as he goes and gets the kids and Katniss gets their coats.

 Peeta wakes the children up and they meet Katniss at the bottom of the stairs where they put on their coats and make their way over to Haymitch's house. When the Mellark family reaches Haymitch's house Katniss turns to her family and tells them to wait on the doorstep till she says it is clear. She smiles to Peeta who looks worried as he whispers "be careful!" Katniss nods her head and lets herself into the house. She walks to the kitchen where Haymitch is sat in a chair slumped over the table with a bottle in one hand, the knife in the other. Katniss sighs as she goes to the sink and fills a bucket with cold water before throwing it over Haymitch and shouting "MORNING HAYMITCH!" He jumps up swinging the knife before looking down to see that he is soaking wet. "Why am I wet?" He asks himself confused. Katniss just stands there with a smile on her face while Haymitch wakes up properly. "Ohh it's just you sweetheart, just who I want to see" he says sarcastically.

Katniss lets out a little laugh before saying "nice to see you to Haymitch... will you do me a favor, pass me your bottle and knife to hide there is three visitors on your doorstep waiting to see you!" Haymitch gives a grunt before reluctantly he passes over his belongings while he tries to think who could be visiting him. Katniss hides his things in the cupboard before turning to the door and calling "come on it, we are all clear." Landen and Rose rush through the door and Haymitch gives a smile but regrets drinking the night before. "Hi kids" he says as he concentrates on not slurring his words. The children run and give him a hug before Rose asks "Why haven't you been to see us lately Uncle Haymitch?" The children look up to Haymitch as they wait for his answer. "Well err.. I've been busy" He whispers. Peeta looks at his wife before he disrupts the reunion. "Hey Haymitch can Katniss and I talk to you?"

Alerted by Peeta's tone he nods and leads the children to the other room to watch the television before returning. Peeta becomes nervous as he begins. "umm about going into the Capitol" whispers Peeta making sure the children don't hear. "We have to go don't we?" Haymitch asks as he looks at Katniss confused as she turns her gaze to Peeta. "Well erm" Peeta looks at Haymitch not knowing how to ask him. Haymitch starts to laugh as he says "I thought you was supposed to have a way with words Peeta!". Katniss takes over to get it out of the way. "We kind of need you Haymitch, we have to ask too much of you again" she pauses to see how he will react. Haymitch just sits there staring before laughing again. "I just never stop mentoring do I! What do you need?" Katniss and Peeta let out a sigh of relief and laugh a little as well before Katniss revealed what they want. "Me and Peeta phoned Paylor last night to discuss what was happening in the Capitol for the sake of the kids..." Haymitch interrupts not wanting to hear the life story. "Well what do I need to help with, I can't babysit I have to go as well." Katniss goes quite as Peeta answers his question. "We don't want you to babysit Haymitch, we aren't going. We are staying with the kids. We just need you to go to the Capitol wearing a camera that feeds us a live feed of what everyone discusses tomorrow about the games." He watches A slightly drunken Haymitch to see if he has any questions. Haymitch frowns as he takes it all and before asking where the camera is. Katniss looks at Peeta before she admits "We don't  have it yet. But we will get one, we just needed to know you will do it for us as we need to know who votes what." Katniss starts to take deep breathes to prevent her having a panic attack. Haymitch just chuckles. "Calm down sweetheart, of course I will help you, I love an opportunity to defy the Capitol and get away with it." He laughs before sarcastically saying "Now get out I need my beauty sleep!" Peeta just laughs and shrugs as he replies "same old Haymitch! See you later". Katniss gives him a kiss on the cheek, something that would usually repulse her and gathers the children out of the house.

Once out of the house Katniss turns to her husband. "So, where are we going to get that camera?" she asks. Peeta thinks for a moment before replying "There was one in the cupboard of my old house I will bring it over in a few minutes." Katniss nods before she replies "Okay, well i think I had better make some breakfast. How does pancakes sound?" she turns to her children who reply in unison "YUMMY!" Katniss takes the children back to the house and into the kitchen to prepare the breakfast while Peeta runs to get the camera.

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