Chapter 9- Real or Not Real

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 Katniss worriedly looks at her husband unsure of what is happening. "Peeta, whats wrong?" she asks as she walks towards him. Before he can control his self Peeta yells "mutt...YOU'RE A MUTT!" In disbelief from what Peeta had just shouted Katniss stops in her tracks as the memories of the rebellion come flooding back. "Peeta, you know I'm not a mutt, please, don't go back to that state! Ask me that question, I know you remember it!" Katniss begs as she tries to get the Peeta back that has been taken over by this monster. As Peeta tries to take in what his wife is saying he can't help calling out "MUTT".

As tears spill down her face Katniss grabs her children's hands and slowly starts stepping away from Peeta. "Why would you say that? After all I...WE have been through and done for each other!" she screamed as she wipes away her tears and runs back towards the woods with Rose and Landen. Once Peeta snapped out of his relapse he looked around desperately for his family but they had gone. Peeta yelled after his family holding back tears. "Katniss!! I'm sorry, I snapped out of it! KATNISS!" He screeched as he headed towards the forest. 

From a distance Katniss could hear Peeta calling her name but didn't answer. She knew that if he had really snapped out of it and really loved her then he would know where to look for her. Katniss sat at the lake with her children huddled beside her where they wait for the rustling of leaves. Ten minutes pass and Peeta's calls grow louder. "Katniss! I'm so sorry" he cries as he runs into the clearing of the lake. When he sees his family her runs over to them while tears stream down his face.

Katniss looks up to her husband and mutters "Don't!" and Peeta instantly knows not to touch her. Peeta stands in front of his family trying to beg for forgiveness. "But Katniss, I can't control that I'm sorry i just..." he stops as Katniss walks up to him and takes his face in her hands. She looks into his eyes to see that she is talking to the Peeta that she knows and fell in love with. She smiles at him and makes a request. "Peeta answer me this question... I love you, real or not real?" As he looks back at his wife he whispers " Real! I'm so sorry Katniss". Katniss attempts to pull him close with difficulty so she pushes herself into Peeta's chest and tries to sooth him. "It's okay Peeta, I love you, just remember that!" breathing in Katniss' perfume Peeta buries his face into her hair as he sighs " I love you too Katniss Mellark!"

Katniss feels a smile spread across her face as she blushes as Peeta says her full name; she still isn't used to her marital name. "Come on" she sighs. "I think it's time to go home, we can always come back another day to teach Landen and Rose about edible vegetation; but I think that's enough for today" she continues. Peeta nods his head in agreement before leaning towards Katniss' ear and whispers "can we talk when we get back, I need to explain why I freaked out...just not now". Katniss takes her husband's hand reassuringly. "Of course we can, but we need to put these two to bed first, seen as they want me to sing them one of my songs, we will talk afterwards with a cup of hot chocolate" she replies through her smile. Peeta chuckles in reply. "Come on kids, time to go home and don't forget your bow' might need them someday" He calls to his children, whispering the last part. As the family walk home the children don't talk to Peeta at all. Peeta is relieved because he doesn't quite know what to tell them about why he freaked out even though they know he was infected. He sighs quietly under his breathe, relieved that Katniss had told them about what happened to him in the rebellion.

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