Chapter 16- Betrayal

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"Here we go!" sighs Katniss as she pulls herself in closer to Peeta for extra security as they both watch and listen in on the meeting. Paylor turns to Haymitch and smirks devilishly as she asks him for his vote. "What do you think Paylor?! NO!" Haymitch snaps. Paylor nods and thanks Haymitch for his vote before turning to receive Annie's vote. Annie sits there puzzled for a moment then looks Paylor in the eyes before answering " I have to say no Paylor, I lost my husband and my child lost their father because of the rebellion, I don't want Finnick to have died for nothing." Paylor thanks Annie for her vote and excuses her as she becomes emotional. She then lets out a sigh before turning for Beetee's answer. He does not need to think about his answer as he replies "After everything we have all been through, and the fights Katniss fought not only personally but publicly, this would just humiliate her, I vote No!" Paylor begins to get frustrated and fidgets in her chairs not quite understanding why no victors agree with her.

Katniss begins to cry with relief and pride as to what the victors who have voted have just said. Peeta wraps his arms around Katniss and whispers in her ear "I think we have this vote in the bag!" Katniss shuffles her body around so she can look Peeta in the eyes before reaching up to kiss him on the lips. Just as they start celebrating they are interrupted by the attention seeking cough of Johanna. Katniss and Peeta look at the monitor and all the victors and President Paylor look up to Johanna confused. She has a look of revenge in her eyes as she breaks the silence. "I'm sorry guys but I agree with Paylor, I hate the Capitol for what they did to me, torturing me for information I didn't have. I think they should get a taste of their own medicine so my vote is yes!" Paylor gives a satisfied smirk as she responds to Johanna's vote. 

Katniss drops her head in her face, not believing what she has just heard. " I can't believe it. Johanna, after everything and losing Finnick she said yes!" she cries becoming hysterical! Peeta pulls her into his chest and tries to soothe her so that he doesn't become angry. Katniss snuggles into his chest as her tears start to flow. Peeta rubs Katniss' arm as he stresses "Well now she really does have nobody now! She can rot in the Capitol for all I care!" Peeta starts to breathe deeply to try and keep his rage from bursting out into another episode. "Katniss murmurs from his chest " I couldn't agree more Peeta. Has everyone voted now?" She asks. Peeta replies "I think so." They both look at the monitor confused with the delay. Katniss communicates to Haymitch's earpiece to tell him to ask Paylor what happens now. Haymitch gives a whisper to reply then speaks out "So what happens now President?" She gives him a glare before speaking out. " I forgot to mention that I invited some families of the tributes who lost their lives participating in the games." Just as she reveals her surprise the door behind the victors opens.

Heads spin around to see who has been invited to the meeting revealing the parents of Cato, Clove, and Rue and Gloss' wife standing there. Paylor offers for them to join and they each take a seat at the meeting table. Haymitch looks puzzled and gives the president a stern look. Paylor gives a speech of appreciation to the new comers, waiting for their discussions to die down before asking them for their vote. Katniss is snuggled up to Peeta, tears streaming down her cheeks as she questions what is going on, even though she knows her husband hasn't got the answers. They watch with anticipation as one by one the families of loved ones place their votes. Cato and Clove's parents vote yes and explain that their children died proud and that they wanted the games to continue in tribute for the lives lost. Gloss' wife also agreed to the idea, upset that her children had to grow up without their father, she wanted others to feel the pain that she had suffered.

Katniss and Peeta looked at each other concerned. "That's evened up the vote!" Katniss whispered a hint of sorrow in her voice. Forgetting that their mic was still on Peeta growled "This is ridiculous!" Whispers broke out around the table as realisation hits. Haymitch lets out a low grunt which is heard by Paylor that amuses her. She rises and lifts her hand in the air to call order to the group. She then turns to Rue's parents and prompts them to place their vote. The room falls silent and Katniss and Peeta hold each other as they wait with anticipation. Rue's parents look to each other grief flooding in their eyes. After a few moments of silence Rue's father finally clears his throat. "We lost our daughter in those games...She was 12 years old and had her life to look forward to, which was taken away by the games. We will never get our daughter back" he says as aggression takes over his voice. His wife clutches his arm trying to earth him as she steps forward and speaks up. "No... Our vote is no! No parent should have to bury their child but I had to and it left a huge hole in my heart that can never be filled." She sighs as she brings her hand up to her heart as her husband hugs her.

The room freezes as they wait for Paylor's reaction. The Mellark's sit at the edge of their sofa waiting for the verdict. With all eyes on Paylor she stands tall to make the official announcement. "Well I guess that's it then, everyone has placed their votes and I respect each and every opinion made. The decision has been made fairly even if it is the wrong one in my opinion but the Hunger Games will not be restarted... for now. Sighs of relief mixed with groans of disappointment filled the room. The Mellark's jumped up with excitement and held each other in a long embrace. Haymitch was the first to speak. "Thank god, now can I get out of this insane place?" Before Paylor had the chance to dismiss the meeting Haymitch walked out anyway.

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