Chapter 12- Punishment

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After Katniss and Peeta had calmed down Paylor revealed her intentions. "Well if you must know i was contemplating on whether or not we should start the Hunger Games again. That's why i wanted the victors to come by to vote on it." There is a brief pause as the Mellarks take in what Paylor just said. Confused and angry Katniss wants more information then that. "Why Paylor, why after all we went through to get rid of President Snow and the hunger games in the first place; why would you want to start them again?" Katniss questions. A little smugly Paylor replies " I thought it would be good for the children to see what the past was like. I mean if all victors vote no then we will just have a memorial but if the majority vote yes then we will have a game to remember!" Peeta becomes frustrated that Paylor even thinks anyone will vote in favor. "Well I can guarantee you that everyone is going to say no!" he yelled down the phone. Katniss tries to hold her tongue but can no longer control herself as she shouts down the phone "Paylor your a sick! why would we disrupt everything when it has just settled down? Can't you just have the schools teach the children about the history of Panem?" Slightly annoyed Paylor answers with a hint of evil in her voice "You didn't let me finish...  We will also have the Capitol compete. Now who is going to say no to that?" She laughs at the thought of the defenseless people from the Capitol fighting for survival. Peeta quickly jumps in to ruin Paylor's amusement. "Whether it's people from the Capitol competing or from the Districts People are still going to say no! If you start this your going to have another rebellion on your hands!" threatens Peeta. After she had taken a few deep breathes Katniss sighs "Paylor, what we went through was bad enough; We shouldn't want to put that upon someone else. Yes the Capitol  placed bets in the games and watched, and some sick people even enjoyed it but they didn't know any better. We shouldn't bring ourselves down to Snow's Level!"

Paylor is quite for a few moments as she processes Peeta's and Katniss' remarks. After thinking it through she replies calmly. "I guess you have a point Katniss Mockingjay Everdeen, but your children won't have to compete and you've always hated the Capitol and the people in it. This is the perfect way to give them a taste of their own medicine!" Peeta jumps into Katniss' defense and angrily yells down the phone "Katniss would never stoop that low! And we would never agree to this, even if we got special treatment!" Katniss smiles at her incredible husband before adding "Peeta is right, he's known me most of my life, and my name is not Katniss Mockingjay Everdeen, my name is Katniss MELLARK! (She says her surname with pride.) And I would not want us to be the reason other parents loose their children as all I will see will be my children in their place, even though you say they are safe, but who is safe if the games go ahead? No one, Peeta is right, starting the hunger games again will cause another rebellion and we are certainly not prepared for another on!" Katniss takes a deep breath and is relieved to get all her emotions off her chest.

 Paylor sighs "I suppose you have a point Katniss. Will we be seeing you tomorrow?" The Mellark's look at each other in shock before Peeta shouts down the phone "OF COURSE NOT!" He looks at Katniss who is sat quietly with her head down. Paylor sounds upset as she replies "Well then I must be going now nice talking to you...Mr and Mrs Mellark." Once the phone is cut of Katniss looks up and calls her husbands name. Peeta goes and sits beside his wife as he huffs "I can't believe she assumed we were going to go tomorrow after all we discussed, she even brought the Capitol into it all!" Katniss strokes his arm to try and relax him before she sighs "Peeta..." As if he had completely forgotten about her he apologises before asking her what the problem is. She looks him in the face, nervous to how he might respond to what she is about to say. "I know you are never going to agree to this but... I think I want to go tomorrow... just to see what the others vote." She waits for his response and is scared as she sees Peeta's eyes widen with shock. "What?! I mean I want to know what the others vote as well but I just yelled at Paylor to let her know we aren't going and now she is going to think we are weak!" Peeta starts to become enraged but Katniss has an idea that might help him settle down. "Well maybe we don't have to go... but we know someone that will be there.." She waits to see if Peeta understands what she is suggesting. Once he realises they look at each other before whispering "Haymitch."

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