"Hey, family is the most important thing. I get that. The only reason I'm not really ready to go is because I don't know what Blaine will do. I just got him back."

"We'll make sure Blaine is okay. He'd do anything for us, so we'll do anything we can to help." Elena reassured her.

"Did he call Alexandra yet?" Blair asked quietly.

"Yes. She coming back from New Orleans as we speak. We don't know when she'll be here."

"Oh, and uh-" Blair picked up her journal. "When I- y'know- bite the dust, could you take it and give it to Blaine?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Absolutely." Elena put the letters in her bag.

"I appreciate you coming." Blair told her.

"Of course. You know, you're a lot nicer than I assumed you'd be."

"I'm dying, I've got nothing to be but nice." Blair sat back down. "But thanks, I think."

"I'll make sure-"

"Hey, look, no need to make anymore promises. I've had enough of people treating me differently because I'm gonna die."

Elena nodded. "Rest easy, Blair Nolan." She left after that, leaving Blair to write more in her journal.

"Aibreann." Blair's eyebrows furrowed, as she looked up to see who just used her middle name. She saw her mother.

"Mother?" He bottom lip quivered. "You aren't- You can't be real."

"I know, Aibreann, but this is what you wanted to see." Her mother said.

"You- I'm so sorry." Tears spilled out of her eyes.

"It's okay. It's okay. My only regret is that you'd never had the chance to meet your baby sister." Her mother said.

"What about Father?"

"Aibreann, I'm just in your subconscious. I know only what you do." She said with a frown.

"I-" She stopped and let out a nasty cough. "I know. You can't be here. You need to go away."

"This is what you wanted-"

"I said go away!" She yelled, her hands balled into fists.

"As you wish. I love you, Aibreann."

"I love you too, mother." Tears soaked her cheeks as her mother disappeared. She took her journal and scribbled down everything that happened.

"And you told me not to make promises I couldn't keep." She turned to see Klaus. She stood up, letting her journal fall to the ground. They both walked towards each other. Once they met, they kissed. It was euphoric.

Once they pulled away from each other, he bit into her wrist and offered it to her. She grabbed it, closing her eyes as she drank his blood.

"If only this were real."

She opened her eyes to see no one was there. She let out a sob as she fell back into a side table. She gripped the sides as she cried. She couldn't die. She began coughing again, falling to her knees. When she recovered, She laid out on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, she slowly stood up.

"You look like hell." Blaine said as he walked in.

"At this point, I don't know what's real and what isn't. I think I have the right."

"If it makes you feel better, I brought your car alcohol." He held up the scotch and glasses.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." She smiled as he set the glasses down a poured scotch into them.

He rolled his eyes and handed her the glass. "Don't push it."

"Fine. I'd like to propose a toast. To me dying." She held up the glass. Blaine frowned.

"Blair, you dying isn't funny."

"It's just a little funny." Blair smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"Fine, Blair. Just give up on yourself. I'll see you when Klaus gets back." Blaine stormed out of the house, obviously upset. With a sigh, Blair finished the rest of her drink, and went to sleep again, but this time, it was a sleep she would never wake up from.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Blair?" Blaine busted into the house, to find her laying on the couch, blood trailing down her chin. Her body was desiccated.

"No, no, no, no, no. Blair! Wake up!" He shook her, but it did nothing. Klaus walked in wide eyed when he saw her. He quickly ran over to her, biting into his wrist and shoving it into her mouth, in an attempt to wake her up.

When this didn't work either, Klaus took her body into a hug. He held her close to him, whispering to her. Blaine was breathing deeply from crying. Elena arrived not long after. A tear fell as she saw the desiccated body of the girl. When they two men weren't looking, she slipped the journal into her bag, before comforting Blaine.

Word count: 1438
okay- hi. that was really upsetting for me to write. i may have cried just a little bit. i hope you guys enjoyed. also two chapter in one day? go me!


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