Home Sweet Home

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💎💎💎Raven's POV💎💎💎
       I wake up laying on Beast Boy's chest while he's fast asleep. I know he's exhausted from checking up on me the entire night. It's the end of our vacation, we go back home today. I look at the clock and it's 8:15. I'll let him sleep for a couple more hours. I start to sit up but that's when Beast Boy opens his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I say quietly. "No it's ok Rae. Is something wrong?" He says while rubbing his eyes. I nod my head no and say "You can go back to sleep." "Where are you going?" He says with a frown. "The living room" I say back. "Raeee" he says while making his ears go down. "I don't want you to go" he says as he grabs my cloak. I sit back down on the bed and get under the covers. "Ok I won't. Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's time to go" I say as he wraps his arms around me to pull me closer to him. He feels really hot. I run my fingers through his green hair as he sleeps and I put my hand on the side of his face. I think he's running a fever. He grabs my wrist and puts my hand back in his hair wanting me to play in it again. "Are you feeling ok?" I ask him.
Instead of answering me, he rolls onto his stomach and lays his head down on my chest. I put both of my arms around him and I start to trace his back until I hear his breathing slow down as he falls asleep. Now that we have to go home today, we'll have to hide our relationship for a while. I hope it doesn't hurt him... I look at the nightstand and see that it's already 9:30. I'll let him sleep for another hour and then we'll pack our bags. I feel Beast Boy move his head more towards my neck and I start to rub his back. I'm going to go to the living room to see if Rorek and Sage are awake. I gently try to roll Beast Boy over and he says "Raee...you told me you would lay down with me."And this makes me smile to myself knowing that he actually wants me to lay down with him. He's so sweet...sometimes. He moves his head so close to my neck that his lips are almost touching it. I begin to trace his back again and he starts kissing my neck. "I thought you were sleepy" I say to him. "I am but I won't be able to kiss you at all once we get home" he says while looking at me. "I'm sorry" I say while looking away from him. "It's ok Rae, I'll sneak one every now and then" he says while laughing. "Oh and can you actually laugh at my jokes from now on?" He says while rolling his eyes.
     "No, because their not funny" I say while smiling. "You ready to go home?" He asks. "Yeah, let's go tell them bye" I say while getting off the bed. We grab our bags and we roll them down the hall and into the living room. "Heading out are we?" Rorek says while getting up from the couch. "Thank you, for everything" I say while smiling. "Of course Raven. Come back anytime" he says while hugging me. He walks over to Beast Boy and holds out his hand and says "Take care of my sister or I'll create a curse to destroy you. Understand?" "Yes sir" Beast Boy says while looking at me. "Goodbye Raven and Garfield" Sage says while hugging us both. We all wave bye to each other and then I teleport me and Beast Boy into the Titan living room back in Jump City. I look out the window and it's pitch black outside. "Uh Raven, what day is it?" Beast Boy says while looking at me. I run over towards the kitchen to look at our digital clock and I say "It's Saturday, 10:00 p.m." "I guess we're going to have the tower to ourselves until tomorrow afternoon Beast Boy says while grinning at me.
      I glare at him and he says "I'm hungry." "You're always hungry" I say back to him. "Do you want some food or not?" He says while rolling his eyes. I nod my head yes and I grab my stuff to take them back to my room. "Voodoo" I turn my head to the corner of my room and "AHHHH!!!!!!" I scream. I hear pots and pans drop in the kitchen and Beast Boy runs to my room. "X!!!!!" I shout with my eyes glowing red. "Well I certainly hope you two were going to offer me some food too" he says while crossing his arms. Beast Boy starts laughing and says "How'd you get in here?" "And why are you in my room?" I ask him. "To answer Beast Boy's question first, I have a Titan Communicator so it lets me in the Titan Tower and now for Voodoo's question, I stayed in here with you while you were hibernating so I feel most comfortable in your room" he says while getting up off of my bed. "Oh and we're out of shampoo" he adds.
      "How long have you been here exactly?" I ask through clenched teeth. "Right when everyone left" he smiles. "Beast Boy I bought some new game controllers, go check them out" he says while laughing. Beast Boy runs out of my room and back towards the living room. "It's really good to see you back and breathing though Voodoo" X says while laughing. "Are you hungry or not?" I say while crossing my arms. "Duhh lets go eat" he says while walking passed me. I follow him into the living room and Beast Boy already has the game controllers on the couch and he's back in the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" He says while looking at X and I. "Waffles" I say instantly.
      "Pancakes are better" X says back to me. I turn my head slowly towards him and I use my magic to pull his underwear over his head. Beast Boy starts laughing and says "Dude!!! You don't know how many times she's done that to me. It's pretty funny watching her do that to someone else for a change." "Very welcoming Voodoo" X says while glaring at me. "So when did this happen?" He says while looking at Beast Boy. "When did what happen?" Beast Boy says while looking at me. "When did you and Voodoo tie the knot?" He says while grinning. "How did you know?" I ask while looking at X.
      "Oh please. It's obvious. When you were down and out of it Voodoo, he wouldn't leave you for anything, not even to eat. I knew he was crazy about you then. But now, the way that he looks at you I can definitely see you and him have something going on. And considering the fact that when you screamed he morphed into a cheetah and raced towards you room ready to maul me to death, I'm guessing that you and him are official now" he says while grinning at both of us. "It was supposed to be a secret" I say quietly.
     "Man. You really do forget that I was one of the top notch criminals, it's my job to find out secrets" he says while smiling. "You better be glad that you got Voodoo before I did" He says while laughing and looking at Beast Boy. "Do you want me to maul you to death?" Beast Boy says while pointing towards his K-9s. They both start laughing at each other and Beast Boy says "You know we have an extra room here, why don't you move in?"
     "Robin and I don't exactly get along that great... and Starfire is my ex girlfriend so it would get kind of weird. By the way, how is that going to work out? Robin being Voodoo's ex and you 2 going out now?" X says. "We're  planning on hiding it for a few months before telling them" Beast Boy says back. "Good luck with that. Robin still has feelings for her" X says while looking at me. "And how do you know that?" I say while glaring at him.
      "Well you see, being at this tower all alone kind of gets boring so I pretty much stalked everyone except you and Beast Boy because that was too far of a drive" X says while laughing. "What did he say?" Beast Boy says while handing us our waffles. I get up and grab the syrup and orange juice and X says "He was talking to Starfire. She was asking if they would ever be together together and Robin said that he doesn't know because he still loves Raven and that he regrets leaving her." We all get quiet.
      "I shouldn't say this in front of Beast Boy but since you two are a thing now he deserves to know. When Beast Boy left you for about 15 minutes to take a shower when you were out of it, I caught Robin in the room with you but I didn't say anything. But I did get a picture..." X says while grabbing his phone. "Let me see" Beast Boy says while walking towards X. We both look over X's shoulder to see this...

       "Did he say anything?" Beast Boy says while glaring at the picture

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"Did he say anything?" Beast Boy says while glaring at the picture. "It doesn't matter now" I say back to Beast Boy. "Yes it does because he was your first boyfriend and we live with him" Beast Boy snaps back at me. "Oops..." X mumbles. "What did he say?" Beast Boy says while looking at X. "Are you sure you want to know?" X says while putting his hands over his face. Beast Boy nods his head and X says "He said once Raven gets better he was going to give her some time and then see if she wants to get back with him."
      "Anything else?" Beast Boy says while baring his fangs. "Yeah um... he said he loves her" X says while looking at me. "Yeah Rae I don't know if I'm going to be able to hide this" Beast Boy says while looking at me. "Robin broke up with me so it doesn't matter, besides I'm with you now" I say while looking at him. "Exactly. He broke up with you. Not the other way around so how do I know that you won't get back with him?" Beast Boy says while glaring at me. "Because I said I wasn't. Starfire left X for Robin so it's obvious that they both have feelings for each other" I say back to him. "She's right Beast Boy. Robin did admit that he has feelings for Starfire. And from the way they looked last night, I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating. But, I can see why you would be pissed. It will be kind of awkward being on a team together and living with him. As long as he isn't too friendly with Raven then there shouldn't be a problem" X says while looking at Beast Boy.
"See, you have no reason to be jealous" I say while grabbing my glass of orange juice. "I wouldn't say that. Well, you don't have to be jealous of me, I know my boundaries. But Robin on the other hand, maybe not" X says while winking at me. "You're not helping" I say while glaring at him. We all sit down and eat our waffles in silence. "Well, it's late and I'm going to bed. I'm stealing your room Voodoo" X says while walking down the hall. "Are you mad?" I ask Beast Boy. "Not at you" he says while walking towards the sink. I grab my plate and I follow him to the sink. "You don't need to be jealous ok?" I say while putting my hand on his back. "Rae did you not see the picture?" He says while looking at me. "I'm with you now" I say back to him. "Yeah, until he gets back" he says while putting the dishes up. I use my magic to grab the plates from him and I put them back into the cabinets. I walk up to Beast Boy and I hug him and say "I like you." "And you love him" he says while sighing. "Not in the way that you're thinking of" I say as I put my head down on his shoulder.
"Yeah right" he says while pulling me off of him. He really is mad at me, it's usually me pulling him off of me. "I'm going to my room" I say as I walk away from him. "Rae I'm sorry" he says back to me. I walk into my room and say "Get out of my bed." "I just got comfortable. Go sleep with your boyfriend" he groans. "I'm mad at him" I say while making X levitate up into the air and I drop him on the floor. "Ow" he says. I get into my bed and pull the covers on me. "Voodoo can I at least get a pillow and a blanket?" X says while sitting up on the floor. I snatch the pillow that's beside me and I throw it at him and it hits his chest.
"I need a blanket" he says while crossing his arms. Ugh can he just shut up? I throw the small blanket at him that's on my bed and it lands on top of his head. "Well hell I didn't make you mad, he did" X says while laying back down on the floor. "Rae open the door" Beast Boy says while knocking on it. "What did you do? She's being meaner than usual" X says while sitting up. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!! I glare at him and he lays back down on the floor. "I'm a jerk. X open the door" Beast Boy says while sighing. X starts to get up from the floor and I say "Open the door and you'll join Slade." He quickly sits back down on the floor and crosses his legs and says "I would but she's threatening my life span." "Raeeee" Beast Boy groans as I hear his head hit the door. I roll over on my side and pull the covers over my head. "Night Voodoo" X says while he lays down on the floor. I look at the clock on the wall and it's midnight. I guess I should try to go to sleep too so I can get my sleep schedule right again. Ugh, why would Beast Boy be so mad at me? I love him not Robin. He's such an idiot sometimes. I get why he would be mad at Robin but not me, I didn't do anything wrong. Oh well, he'll get over it. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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