It's Been 2 Months

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💎💎💎Beast Boy's POV💎💎💎

It's been 2 months since the accident. It seems like everything is normal again...except for Raven. All of the Doctors are saying the same things, that physically she's with us but mentally she's gone...brain dead. But I don't believe them. She's still in there...somewhere. X has joined the team so when there's crime in Jump City he takes my place so I can stay with Raven, just in case she wakes up. It's been the longest 2 months in my life. It doesn't even look like she's breathing half the time. I turn my head when X walks in the room. "Your friends are going to the park, go with them" he says while walking towards me. "I'd rather stay here with her" I say while looking back down at a Raven. "Beast Boy, you haven't left her side ever since the accident. Literally, the longest you've been away from her is 15 minutes. You're exhausted, go out with your friends...I'll stay with her" he says while putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure?" I say back to him. He nods his head yes and I say "Call me if she wakes up while I'm gone." "I will" he says as he sits down beside Raven.

💎💎💎Red X's POV💎💎💎

I hear Beast Boy shut the door and I sit down on the bed beside Raven. "I think it's about time you wake up Voodoo" I say while grabbing her hand. "I went through some of the books here in your room and I found the spell you used for Slade...anyone else would have died from that spell, yet here you are in hibernation" I say while looking at her violet hair. All of the sudden the room turns red and the siren goes off.
**ALERT!!!! ALERT!!!!**
      I start to get up but I get a phone call. "We got it, stay their with Raven until I get back" Beast Boy says while hanging up. "Stay busy for a while, I've got business to take care of with Voodoo" I say quietly to myself. "Now where does a little demon girl keep her creepy stuff?" I say while looking around her room. I look on her dresser and see a small mirror. "So this is it huh?" I say while grabbing it. "Well, let's hope I can find my way back" I say while touching the glass part of the mirror.
       Before I can blink I'm sucked through the mirror and I'm in Raven's mind. I look around me and I see nothing but darkness. "Voodoo!?" I call out, then suddenly I see a pink cloak appear in front of me. "And um what exactly are you supposed to be?" I say while looking at a girly Raven. "I'm Raven!! Ahahaha" she says while giggling. "Yeah um not the Raven I was looking for" I say back to her. "Where's the Raven that wears a dark blue cape thing?" I ask the bubbly Raven. "Behind you" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see the Raven I was looking for. "Voodoo!!" I say while walking up to her. As I walk up to her she hugs me. "Is this the right Voodoo?" I say while looking confused. "Yeah" she says.
"Are you ready to come home yet?" I ask while crossing my arms. "I can't find the way back to my body. It wasn't me that was my mother" she says while looking down. "Find a way back to your body, everyone misses you" I say back to her. "I don't know how" she replies back. "Look, I don't have much time before the others get back, and they are going to freak if they find out I've been inside your head, especially Beast Boy" I say while putting my hand on her shoulder. "Walk me through the process of getting your spirit back into your body" I say while looking at her. "Starfire" she says quietly. "I'm sorry what? How is the red head supposed to help?" I say while raising one of my eye brows. "She knows how to use my powers" she says back to me. "Well sweetheart that would be great if she had any" I say while rolling my eyes. "She does, all of them do...Before they left I gave all of them a little bit of my magic, get them together and get Beast Boy to find my blue spell book" I cut her off as I grab the blue spell book from behind my back. "This book?" I say while grinning. "How did you" I cut her off again and say "I'm a criminal at heart Voodoo, it's my job to steal things." I see her smile and she hugs me again. "Get them to use my magic to say the spell" she says while letting go.
The ground beneath us starts to shake. "Get out of here!!!" She screams at me. "What's going on!?!" I yell back at her. "My spirit is falling deeper into the nothingness...once I'm at the bottom I'll be gone forever... now go!!!" She yells as the gem on her forehead begins to glow and I'm launched out of the mirror. "Ok ok ok!!! Starfire...Beast Boy... voodoo and blue spell book!!! Got it!!!" I say as recite the words in my head. I hear the elevator open and I dart towards the living room. "EVERYONE LISTEN!!!! I TALKED TO RAVEN!!" I scream at them.
"What? She's awake?" Beast Boy says while walking towards her room. "No, not yet. I went inside her head and I found her. She doesn't have much longer until she dies. Her spirit has been separated from her body, but she said you all have some of her magic and you can use it to put her spirit back into her body. Starfire, she specifically told me that you know how to work her powers" I say while everyone sits down. "Yes, I have been in her body before" Starfire says while looking at me. "She said something about a blue spell book that has a spell in it to bring her back but I've checked every single page in this book and I haven't found a thing" I say while placing the book on the counter. "Wasn't the book she trapped the dragon in blue?" Cyborg says while looking at all of us.
        "I know where it's buried" Beast Boy says. "Go get it... now" I say while looking at him. He morphs into a wolf and darts out the window while Robin follows him. "Is Raven ok?" Starfire says while looking at me. "For now, she needs to be back into her body" I say while looking out the window. 5 minutes later Beast Boy shoots back into the window, along with the book and Robin. I grab the book and open it to see nothing but a picture of the dragon. "This book has nothing but blank pages and a picture of a creepy looking dragon" I say while looking at them. "I can talk you know" I look down to see the dragon. "Uhh did that just" I'm cut off by Beast Boy and he says "Yeah, it talks." "Long time no see green one... tell me, how is my precious Raven?" The dragon says.
Beast Boy snatches the book out my hands. "She's in trouble. Her spirit has been separated from her body, she told us to grab the blue book. Can you help us or not?" He says while baring his fangs. "Poor Raven. I can't help you, but I know someone who can" the dragon Malchior says. "Stop wasting our time and tell us then" Robin says while looking at the book. The book starts to glow and instead of just seeing the dragon, we see a wizard.

Titans ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora