the end.

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The alarm clock on her bedside table rang, on and on until Evie musters up the courage to press the button and wake up. She frowns, yet again, another day of college is upon them. She fucking hates it. It's as if the days are always slowed down, agonizing hours in lectures, sluggish walks to the cafeteria. Everything was painfully slow without Mal.

She gets off of her bed, checking her phone, wishing that she wakes up in some parallel world where Mal would text her, tell her that she's just out buying groceries. There were no texts. So, instead, she trudges to the bathroom, turning the shower on as she tries waking herself up.

Evie finishes in record time, brushing her teeth in a hurry as she puts on her clothes, maybe time wasn't slow today because next thing she knew, the bell was ringing. She rushes out of her room, bumping into Uma in the process as the two ran, "Woke up late?" The pirate asks, taking a sharp turn as they enter their classroom, Evie shakes her head, "Took a shower that's way too long."

Their conversation seemed forgotten when Jay enters the room as well, holding his stupid toothpaste on toast as he sits down, "I'm sorry, but what is that?" Scrunching her nose in disgust, Evie asks her best friend, he shrugs, "It's called multi-tasking, princess, anyways, isn't Ben in this class too?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows, looking around when he sees Ben, pale like a ghost, "Chad pushed me down the stairs." He mutters, sitting down beside Jay, eating his toothpaste toast. Yeah, that's a lie.

Because on his way to this class, which, was his favorite, a hand pulls him inside one of the free classrooms. At one point, he expects Harry with the feel of leather gloves, "Harry, I'm goi–– what the hell." He mutters, staring straight back at green eyes and a familiar smirk, like Celia, he puts a hand up, checking if she was real. The fairy just groans, taking his hand and turning it, "Alright, now, I've proven that I'm real, can I talk to you now?"

He groans, removing himself from Mal as he nods, "H-How? We buried your body." He says, astonished at how the girl was here, she shrugs, "I woke up in Olympus. For how long was I dead?" She asks, looking around the room and closing the curtains before putting her hood down, Ben blinks, "Nearly two months, Mal."

Her jaw drops, blinking rapidly as she stares at Ben incredulously, "I've been dead for almost two months?" She repeats, walking over to him as he nods, "If you woke up in Olympus, then you were actually dead. Your soul went to heaven, how did you get back?" He questions, the fairy shrugs, "I knew better. It took me four stupid challenges to get here but I'd rather live the rest of my mortal life with you idiots than spend an eternity watching you from above. Olympus isn't home to me, you guys are my home."

The smile that made its way to Ben's face was priceless. Damn, he was near to breaking down when the bell rings. "Look, Mal, I gotta go." He says, slinging his bag over his shoulder when Mal stops him, "Ben, wait."

The brunette stops, turning back at the purple haired dragon when she throws something at him, a ring, her ring. "Give it to Evie, but, I'm begging you, don't tell her you've seen me, please." She smiles, Ben nods, "I promise."

That leads us back to the present where Ben sits beside Evie, opening his binder when he turns to Evie, "Oh, yeah, is this yours? I found it on my way here." He says casually, handing her the ring. The princess' heart stops for a mere second before it began pumping quickly, her eyes fixed on the ring. It was Mal's ring.

"Ben, where, where did you find this?" She stammers, staring at it as she looks at the prince, he shrugs, "I stepped on it on my way here, I figured it's yours with the sapphires. Plus, I saw you wearing it once, too." He shrugs simply, thankfully, his lie enough to convince the princess that he knew nothing about where it came from, "Mal was buried with this."

the light you bring inside of me (mevie//malvie)Where stories live. Discover now