That time of the month

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"Go away" you mumble into your pillow.

"Baby, I know it hurts and I just wanna help ou that's all," Your boyfriend Ruel says as he sits on the bed next to you.

"Just go away I don't want you here," you reply angrily

Ruel stares at you for a bit and then gets up and starts to walk towards the door.

That's when you realise how bitchy you were. You roll your eyes at your own stupidity, and call after him, "baby don't leave I want you to stay, sorry I was being such a bitch."

He turns at the door and smiles walking back until he gets to your bed and bellyflopping next to you. "I knew you wouldn't let me leave, I'm just too good to let go aren't I," he says as he flips his imaginary long hair back. 

You laugh and keep making stupid jokes with him when suddenly you both realise you weren't talking anymore and just staring at each other. Ruel props himself up on his elbows and leans down and kisses you for what seems like forever until you both pull away, panting. 

"I love you more than anything in the world y/n, and whenever you get your period, just know I'm here for you" he breathed

"Me too Ruel, I love you," you reply, as you cuddle into his chest and you both drift off to sleep.

Ahhh aha so cringy I know but I feel like its a classic to write about the period teehee thx for reading guys xx

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