25 - Reunited.

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Jungkook turns to the door as he hears it's opening, revealing a little suprised Taehyung.

"Hey, I thought you were still sleeping. Why didn't you come out for breakfast?" Taehyung asked, gently ruffling the younger boy's hair.

"Uhh.. My head hurts." Jungkook mumbled, not looking at the elder boy. Taehyung could clearly see that he was lying but didn't want to pressure him.

"Ok. Let's go have breakfast. I'll get you some painkillers." Taehyung left the room with Jungkook trailing behind.

They sat at the table and had their breakfast. Well Taehyung did while Jungkook picked on his food, deep in thoughts. Finaly Taehyung had enough and put his fork down forcefully.

"Alright. Out with it. What's wrong?"
Taehyung asked.

"Huh.. what.. nothing." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung.

"Kookie, tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung asked again. Jungkook sat there looking really uncomfortable before giving a slight nod towards the kitchen.


"Oh.." Taehyung looked bit worried. "Did you hear us talking?"

"Yeah.. sort of.. sorry."

"And...." Taehyung looked at Jungkook expectedly.

"Nothing." Jungkook said looking down.

"Stop saying nothing Kookie. It's clearly something." Taehyung retorted. "Well what do you think about it?"

Jungkook seemed lost for words. "He seems like a good guy." He finally replied.

"He is."

"You two seems to be very close."

Taehyung watched as the Jungkook subconsciously did his trademark jealousy action, poking his inner cheek.

"Yes. We are very good friends. He was there for me when I was in a rough patch."

There was a long silence both of them just looked at each other.

"Is he better than me?" Jungkook's voice came out in a whisper, lowering his head and staring to his lap.

Taehyung felt the change of emotions in Jungkook. He was no longer jealous but genuinely worried, with little bit of self doubt.

"Well in some aspects, he is. I mean you saw how he wasn't taking no for an answer. Atleast he's not afraid to fight for his love."

"I can fight too." Jungkook said finally looking at Taehyung.

"Is that what you are doing right now? Doesn't seem like it though."

Taehyung knows exactly what's going in Jungkook head. Self doubt. Taehyung loves the younger boy more than anything in the world. As much as he wants to pull Jungkook in to his lap and tell him that, he knows that he can't do that right now.

Jungkook has to be convinced of the place he has in Taehyung's heart and the only person who can do that it himself. So Taehyung's gonna help him.

"Aren't you gonna fight for me Kookie?"

"I-I don't know."

"Why not? Don't you love me anymore?"

"Tae please don't say like that."

"Then what?? Do you think he's better for me than you?"

Taehyung knew he struck a chord when Jungkook looked at him with pained eyes. He didn't gave an answer and looked down immediately.

Taehyung pushed his chair a bit and crossed his legs.

"Convince me."


"Convince me. Tell me why you think he's better."

"I don't know."

"Kookie tell me."

"Well h-he's seems kind and nice."

"So are you."

"He's handsome."

"You are the most handsome guy in the whole world."

"I.. w-well...he'll take good care of you."

"And you won't??"

"I hurt to Tae. So for long. I made you cry. I'm so sorry for that but it doesn't erase what I did."

"Well I'm sorry too. But Kookie, I wasn't the only one hurting. You can't change the past. And It wasn't entirely your fault alone. It's my fault too. I am elder than you. I should have been more understanding."

"I'm sure he won't hurt you like I did."

"Ok. Tell me this then. Will you hurt me again Kookie?"

"NO!! Oh my God no, never. I'll kill myself before hurting you ever again.

Taehyung couldn't help but let out a little laugh at the younger panicked expression. "Then what's the problem baby?"

"I-I.. s-stop it." Jungkook replied, clearly flustered with the pet name, a little red seeping in to his face.

Taehyung got up from his seat and sat on the table, near Jungkook. He caught Jungkook's chin between his two fingers and lifted his face, making the younger boy look at him."Cute. Well I guess you are better for me after all."

"I.. well he said to think about it right. So w-why don't you t-think for few days and l-let m-me know also."


"Y-yeah. I should go. Yes. I should go now and y-you, you give me a call, ok." Jungkook got up from his seat and tried to run to the door.

But Taehyung was faster. He caught the younger boy's hand, making him stop and pulled him to himself.

"Oh god, what am I gonna do with this boy now?" Taehyung muttered under his breath while reaching for his phone across the table and dialled a number.

He sneaked a hand around Jungkook's waist, holding the younger boy against his chest, while waiting for the call to get connected. 

"Hi Bogum, where are you? Can I talk to you...... yeah yeah...........uhhhmm about the thing you told me to think about..........yeah, I tried to tell you but you kept cutting my words. My ex boyfriend is already back.........yeah. it's the boy you saw at the hospital...........yes the student...... well no.......I'm sorry Bogum but I don't think I need to think anymore. There wasn't any need to think at all actually........I'm sorry for making you sad, I hope we can still be friends..... of cause I care about you Bogum, I care about you very much. Just not in the way you wanted....... yes I know.......No not yet.......well I don't know. I don't know if he'll get back with me yet."

Jungkook, who had been listening with wide bamby eyes all this time, nodded his head furiously. And Taehyung continued his call with a huge smile.

"But I think it'll workout........ yeah, we'll be ok.......you too. I'll talk to you later......Bye."

Taehyung kept the phone and looked at the crying boy in his arms.



They both leaned in and captured each others lips. The kiss was gentle and loving. No rush. They have all the time in the world to be with eachother.

They are exactly where they belonged. In each other's arms.

A/N - one more chapter to patch up the loose ends and we are done with this book. Hope it was a good story and all you guys enjoyed.

I Still Belong To You - Taekook Love Story Where stories live. Discover now