02 - Remembered

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Jungkook has been staring at the notice board for sometime now. Not really thinking anything but also unable to move from there. He attracts the attention of 2 boys who came to read the same notice.

" Hey man, are you ok??. You look like you are having a stroke. "

Jungkook turns to the direction of the sound and sees the pink haired boy he saw earlier. He tries to recall the boys name. Jimin. Yes his name was Jimin. And the other blond haired boy - Yoongs was it? Jungkook gives them a faint smile.

"Yeah. I'm ok. Just looking at the photography class notice."

Pink haired boy nod his head in approval. "Me too. You wanna join? I heard the teacher is really good and handsome. My name is Jimin by the way. And this is my boyfriend Yoongi. What's your name?"

"I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you." Jungkook smiled at both of them.

"Likewise. Did you already had your breakfast? We are going to get something to eat. Wanna come?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook already had breakfast. But he wanted have the 2 boy's company so he gave a nod and followed them. Cafeteria was some what packed but they found a table to sit and brought their food.

"So are you from around here?" Jimin started the conversation.

"Yeah. I'm originally from Busan. But my parents moved to Seoul few years ago." Jungkook replied. "How about you 2?"

"Well we are from Daegu. I'm just starting today. Yoongi here is in his 3rd year. We are staying in the student dorms." Jimin answered while Yoongi just ate his food.

Suddenly another boy sit at there table next to jungkook. "Hi. I'm Hoseok." He gives jungkook the brightest smile.

"He's Jungkook. He's new here." Jimin says while jungkook gives the new guy a shy smile. "Where's Jenny?"

"Oh she didn't come to uni today. Her mother is sick so she went home for few days." Hoseok replied while taking some food from Yoongi's plate and earning a smack on the hand.

"Jenny is Hoseok's girlfriend. They've been together for years." Jimin explained. "Do you have someone special? Those are her friends over there." He pointed to a table where 3 girls were having a chat. " They are good girls. Hoseok can introduce you if you want." Jimin went on giving a sly look to Hoseok.

"Here we go again." Yoongi hissed under his breath. "Baby I told you not to meddle with other people's business."

Jungkook chuckled a bit looking at Jimin's annoyed expression. He liked Jimin's honesty. "No I'm not in a relationship and not looking for one either. But good boys are more of my type" Jimin clapped his hand like a small kid at this revelation.

"So what's your faculty? I'm in dancing and performing arts. Jimin also." Hoseok change the subject swiftly.

"I'm in Business studies." Jungkook replied.

Yoongi looks up from his food and gives a smile. "Me too"

"So Hoseokie hyung, tell us about the photography teacher will you. I heard he's very handsome" Jimin asks in a michevious tone while glancing at Yoongi's reaction.

The later did not seemed to mind. He's very used to Jimin's innocent and fluttering ways to get him rilled up. He ruffled Jimin's hair with a slight smile to let him know that it's not working.

"Mr Kim? Ohh he's handsome alright. But I wouldn't get any hopes up if I were you. He had a bad break up few years ago and still not moved on. He doesn't talk about it at all. It seems he's still very much in love with his ex boyfriend. Most of the girls and boys here tried to get to him. Even few professors. But no luck. He's a very sociable person. Lively and funny AF. He asked us to call him Mr Kim instead of professor because he's only few years older than us. But his heart is guarded in a iron box." Hoseok gave full description.

Jimin seemed to be lost in thoughts. "But if he doesn't talk about it, how come people know what happened? Does anyone know who's the boyfriend?"

"Nope. No one know who he is. Not from the university anyway because Mr Kim has been teaching here for about a year only and the break up happend few years ago. One of the female students confessed to him and wasn't taking no for an answer so he told her finally. " Hoseok explained.

"Aren't you guys going to enrol for his class. You don't have much time though. Class starts in 10 minutes. And Hoseok, shouldn't you be there early?" Yoongi said in a calm tone.

"Oh shit. Come on guys. We gotta run." Hoseok picks up his bag and runs hurriedly towards the cafeteria exit with the 2 younger boys following closely.

They reach the class with only 2 minutes to spare and Jungkook writes him name on the new enrolment paper after Jimin. They barely find 2 empty seat at the back when the teacher enters because the hall is almost full.

Hoseok sits at the front because he's the teacher's assistant for this new batch. Jungkook hits his knee on the table when trying to sit down and he bends behind the table to rub his knee a bit.

"Alright. Settle down now." A deep voice resonates within the hall. Jungkook's heart gives another tug and he slowly raises his head to look at a man standing in front of the class.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm your teacher for this class. You can call me Mr Kim. Hope we can have a good year ahead."

Jungkook's breathing seems to have stopped

It's him. The one he tried to forget by travelling to the other half of the world.


I love you Kookie. You are the best thing that happened to me. I'm never gonna let you go.

A/N - so again bit of ground work. And I could get Taehyung in to the story at the end only. Sorry if it's boring.

I Still Belong To You - Taekook Love Story On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara