22 - The Truth

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Taehyung looks like he was frozen on the floor, staring at the front door after Jungkook ran out of it. Namjoon slowly went to him and touched his shoulder which pulled Taehyung out from whatever trans he was in.

"I'm sorry everyone. This party is over." Taehyung turned and went in to his room, the sound of the door slamming echoed throughout the house.

After a hurried goodbye, Jungkook's parents quickly went home. Jungkook's mother promised to call once she knew what happened.

Namjoon and Jin apologized to everyone as they bid goodbye. With the confusion of everyone leaving at once, Amy also left unnoticed.

Taehyung refused to open his room door at all, screaming at anyone who tried talk to him through it. Except Jin, whom he has never raised his voice before. They couldn't do anything other than wait till the boy is ready to tell anything.

Jungkook's mother called to say that Jungkook has indeed came home and locked himself in the room. They could hear him crying loudly but since he also asked to leave him alone, they couldn't do anything. Both families were devastated with this turn of events.

In the morning, Taehyung came out of the room with his office attire and Jin stopped him.

"Tae bear, where are you going? Won't you tell me what happened?" Jin asked him softly.

Taehyung always had a soft spot for his brother-in-law. Jin has the softest nature and Taehyung never even spoke loudly if he's present. He sighed and told him what happened.

Flashback back

Taehyung was talking with some of his friends when Amy came to him.

"Taehyung, can we talk for a moment?"

Taehyung thought for second but didn't want to be rude as she was his teammate and agreed. Taehyung took Amy to the terrace. He didn't want Kookie to see them talking as he didn't want to upset his bunny for the second time today.

"Alright Amy, what do you want to talk about? Plz hurry. I must go back to the party"

"Ok. I'll get to the point. I still like you Tae. And I want you to give me another chance"

"What?? Oh my God Are you crazy Amy? You know that I love Jungkook. What's wrong with you??"

"No please listen Tae. I know that Jungkook is your boyfriend now. But I used to be your girlfriend too. And we were really good together. Don't you remember how good I made you feel baby?"

"Don't call me baby. Stop this madness Amy. So were you lying when you apologized to us before?? Jungkook was right!!. I should have listened to him"

"Will you forget about him for a moment!! Yes I lied. I thought you will grow tried of him over time and maybe if I waited patiently, you will look at me again"

"That's never gonna happen. He's the only one for me"

"But he's a guy baby. No matter how much you love him, you can't have a family with him. He can't give you a child!! Don't you miss being with a woman? Come on, let's get back together, ok. I know you still want me. You have just forgotten how good we were"

"No, we are NEVER getting back together. Get it in to your stupid head. Now get away from me."

"Ok Tae, I'll go away from you, but let me show you one last time that we belong together"


"Let me kiss you once Tae. And if you still don't feel anything, I'll let this go."

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