"Listen if I didn't wanna do this I'd be sleeping right now. But Dre made me do this", he said. "I don't know what the fuck y'all got going on but he never worried about some bitch getting home"

"Bitch?", she said.

"My bad, I'm just a little pissed. Not at you about something else", he said

Aaliyah looked out the window and thought about what he said about Dre.

"We don't have anything going on by the way", Aaliyah said.

"I don't care honestly", Herbo said.

"You know you're very rude", Aaliyah said.

He stops at a red light. "So I've been told. But do I give a damn? No", he said.

Aaliyah chuckles.

Herbo looked at her. She just had on a long white trench coat and some white boots with heels. He could see her cleavage. Suddenly, he caught himself staring when he got honked out of the way by a car behind him because the light was green.

Aaliyah looked at him but he had already been looking forward and began to drive.

"You sleep?", she asked.

"Nah", he said.

Aaliyah watched him to see any signs of dozing off. She looked him up and down and saw his print while looking at his pant.

He changed his position in the seat while driving so she couldn't see.

Aaliyah smirks to herself.

"You just worry about you getting a new car", he said.

"Oh I will", she said. "Hate asking y'all niggas for shit"

Herbo shook his head. "Yea you're right. You and Dre ain't got nothing going on. Not with no mouth like that", he said.

He pulled up to her apartment building and stopped.

Aaliyah gathered her things and got out of the car. "Thanks though", she said.

"Mhm", he said. "Oh and be ready tomorrow night, you gonna meet Keem at the club? You won't be on the list for his V.I.P section but I'm sure you'll get through. You'll be with some other girls that Dre picked out so it wouldn't be weird with you going alone", he said.

Aaliyah nods. "What time?", she asked.

"About 10:30", he said. "Me, D Patt, and Jay will be outside if you need us"

"Okay", she said before she shut the door and walked into her apartment building.


The next day Aaliyah drove off the dealership parking lot with a metallic grey 2020 Corvette. It felt good to drive in something new. She wasn't used to the two-seater but at least she don't worry about someone sneaking into the backseat again.

While she was driving, she got a text from Keyanna.

Keyanna: Girl I'm so nervous about this wedding that's in two weeks😭😭 I need to go get my nails done or something to relax

Aaliyah chuckles and heads in the direction of her house.


They got to the nail salon and Aaliyah decided to get her nails done too.

"So what are you doing tonight?", Keyanna asked.

"Work", Aaliyah replied.

Keyanna nods.

"But you know it's nothing to be nervous about right?", Aaliyah said. "You're making the right decision"

Keyanna sighed. "I know", she said. "It's just that.. you know it's such a big commitment"

"Well you guys have been together since high school so might as well make it official", Aaliyah said.

Keyanna nods.

"Everything will be fine", Aaliyah said.

"...everything still okay with you?", Keyanna asked.

"Yea", Aaliyah said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Keyanna nods. "You still mad about the whole her mom thing?", she asked.

Aaliyah shakes her head.

"So why have you been distancing yourself from me since then??", she asked.

"I haven't. I just been dealing with some things. That's all", Aaliyah said. "Nothing toward you"

Keyanna nods.

"Hey, besides... you were just trying to help", Aaliyah said. "I shouldn't be mad that you care"

Keyanna looks at Aaliyah. "And you shouldn't be mad at your mom for trying to make things right. She isn't trying to come back to raise you or change you or expect you to run into her arms and love her... she just wants to be in your life. She just wants a fresh start. People deserve those you know"

Aaliyah was silent.

"Just think about it Aaliyah", Keyanna said. "Don't let anger get the best of you"

Aaliyah looked down at her nails as the tech did them. She was thinking about what Keyanna said. "I'll think about it", Aaliyah said.

"That's all I ask", Keyanna said.

Hustla (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now