twenty seven

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She walked cautiously on the kerb, avoiding to make eye contact with any passing strangers. An area such as this was no place for a young girl to be walking, especially at midnight.

She snuck out of her dorm room after she could faintly hear the soft snores of her roommate. It was a daily routine. If anyone happened to find out, she would be in severe trouble. But nobody would.

The bitter cold penetrated her skin, making her go a paler shade than usual.

Head in the clouds, she veered off her usual route and entered a deep, dark alleyway of the street that she had never noticed before.

She only realised that she was utterly lost when she glanced up and found herself in a cobbled area with no lighting whatsoever.

"Halt!" a commanding voice yelled from behind.

She immediately turned around to look back and found four men and a woman rushing towards her.

It was too late to run now.

'Let me die right now at the hands of these people.' she thought to herself.

A man grabbed her arm. He appeared to be in his mid twenties, and had several impressive tattoos adorning him. It was clear that he was the leader.

"What's your name?" He demanded.

"Taraya," she said.



The woman lunged at her, making the poor girl cower into the leaden and tar coloured walls.

"Who sent you here?" She shouted.

"N-nobody," she stuttered, "I was just going on a walk an-"

"At midnight? Won't your parents be worried?" a teenage boy sneered, annoyingly not buying her story.

"My parents are in Ireland. I go to a boarding school and I snuck out the window!"

Losing his patience, a man pounced on her violently, "TELL US THE TRUTH! WHO SENT YOU?"

After intently examining the girl's face, the leader stepped forward and put a muscular hand on his back.

"Calm down Cal," he said, "She's not one of 'em."

They all created a semi circle around her. Despite their threatening body art, there was not an ounce of formidibality in their faces. Except for one of them. The man who had pounced on her constantly wore an expression of antagonism, as if he absolutely loathed everything.

"We're not going to hurt you." the woman comforted.

The girl nodded gratefully

"In repayment for your release, you will have to do us a small favour," the boy information.

Immediately, her face contorted with fear.

"It's not a big favour; you'll just have to innocently keep a watch on some people for us. Do we have a deal?" Dre said.

Dre was the name of the leader. She had overheard the woman address him as that during the few minutes that they spent to contemplate her fate.

She delicately reached my hand out and shook his (which was already outstretched).

"We have a deal," she whispered nervously.

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