twenty four

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(skip this part and go onto Taraya's POV if you don't want to read Larry)

"Tarry?" I asked the sweet girl who was staring lovingly at Neymar.

"Yes Hazza?" she said, using Liam's nickname for me.

"Can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure!" There was a look of knowing mischief in her expression.

We both stood up and went into her room, before she sat me down.

"Spill," she instructed.

"Taraya...I'm bisexual,"

She hysterically snorted like I had just told the most hilarious joke in the world (not that I could ever).

"The whole universe knew that before Harry, probably even your mum."

"I'm in love with Louis."

"BAZINGA!" she screamed, "I KNEW IT! Gosh! I know it was terrible but I always loved reading Larry fanfiction whenever I had some spare time."

I couldn't help but laugh despite the puzzling situation.

"Louis does not love me back."

"Yeah he really doesn't. Just try telling that to his eyes when he looks lustfully in your direction."

"You don't understand! He loves Eleanor. Who wouldn't? She's such a wonderful and beautiful girl while I'm just a stu-"

"HARRY EDWARD MILWARD COX STYLES," she bellowed, livid, "Have you been reading news articles and hate again? You are one of the most inspirational people on the planet. Your words and songs are the only things that are keeping millions of people alive at the moment. Don't EVER put yourself down, else I'll take it personally."

Am I really special?

"Fine, maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that Louis doesn't love me."

"Oh and that's why he just broke up with Eleanor?"

I stopped breathing for a second.


"Harry, kindly go and talk to him. They broke up in a friendly manner."

"No," I murmered miserably.

"Will you not do something I say?"

She looked at me in a sorrowful expression, full of lost hope, that melted my heart. How could I resist that?

"You know damn well how to manipulate people," I groaned.

"I know," she smirked, "Now go to your bae!"

With a final hug for luck (which Taraya told me that I didn't require today), I anxiously walked out and went to Louis' door.

I knocked cautiously.

"Come on in," he said in a soft voice that revealed a hint of anger.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He looked so perfect but I wanted to massage those angry wrinkles  away on his face with my palms.

"Oh hey Harry," he looked surprised to see me.

"Hey," I replied, invigoratingly tugging at my not-so-curly-anymore hair, "I heard about the breakup. Sorry about that!"

"Agh! It wasn't negative at all. It was a friendly parting. El understood that I couldn't... love her."

"I'm sure it'll be alright," I said, uncertain of my own words.

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