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My concerns rapidly grew, all thanks to the one Brazilian man who drove me crazy.

Since I had been dismissed from the hospital, Neymar had insisted that I spend every minute of the day under someone's watchful eye, and even confirmed that I was to accompany him to training everyday. His eyes never left me for more than a minute at a time. He continuously turned around and worriedly searched for my presence, then turned back, relief coursing through him. These events were then repeated in a vicious cycle.

As the days came closer to the date of our trip, Ney had actually defended me against the other boys, who were undecisive on whether I  was well enough to travel.

"She's a strong girl," Neymar explained, "She can look after herself. There are medics that are available at all times and you're making her miss out on an exciting opportunity."

After many more tedious hours of civilised debating, it was eventually decided that I could accompany them, but was denied permission to play football.

So once again, I was seated on the benches, carefully watching the Brazil team train. Once again, Neymar turned to stare at me. Once again, I found myself filed with confusion.

A part deep inside me was dreading the probable truth. Could he have somehow discovered the plot that they made to kill me?

But how would that be possible? A person who was not the culprit had recently turned himself in, claiming to take responsibility for the mishap. To any outsider, it would seem like an innocent motorist that had accidentally hit someone.


Of course! What if he had seen the note?!

I got my phone out (which was now bended into an alarming arc to replicate my buttocks) and dialled Neymar's home number.

To my luck, his housekeeper picked up the phone.

"Hello? Is this Aromella?"

Aromella was a warm hearted woman in her mid sixties. She was a second mother to Neymar and looked after us all with a charismatic passion.

"Yes it is. Is that Taraya?"

"Yes Aro. Can I ask you for a favour?"

"Of course," she responded, "Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is!" I lied, faking a breathy laugh (which failed miserably), "Why wouldn't it be?"

"You sound very worried child."

"I didn't mean to. Please could you go upstairs into my bedroom and check if there is a yellow piece of folded up paper at the bottom of the pile in my bedside drawer?"

"Of course,"

She shuffled upstairs, then arrived a minute later.

"It is there," she said.

I audibly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Are you sure you're fine?" she questioned.

"I assure you that I'm alright!" I promised, lying once more.

"That's great," she acknowledged, "Tell me about China."

I gave her a brief description of life in Beijing then hung up, exhausted by  answering all her questions.

But at least I knew that Neymar had no clue about what was going now.

Little did I know how wrong I was...


The match against Argentina had just been concluded, and of course the Selecão won 2-0!

It was more like a political match than a friendly one, but was still interesting to watch.

I rushed to the locker rooms where the squad were standing in high spirits. Neymar and Suza were clutching the trophy above their heads, kissing it with pride. I couldn't help but smile at all the happiness.

Kaka however, looked engaged.

"I can't believe Messi did that to me!" He shouted.

"Calm down Ricardo," I attempted to soothe him, "Leo was probably just very upset that they lost."

"But he's a friend!" He protested, "Friends aren't supposed to be hostile to each other, even if they're on different teams."

"I'm sure Neymar can sort it out when we get back to Barcelona," I countered, "Now go enjoy yourself and rejoice your victory!"

He hugged me quickly then rushed over to the rest of the team.

"What did you say to him?" Neymar asked, coming over to me.

"I said that you'd sort it out!" I answered.

"What?" he hissed, "How?"

"That's for you to work out Ney. You and Messi are so close."

"I guess,"

Right at that moment, Neymar slid his phone out and began texting somebody. Assuming the recipient would be Messi, I remained in my position beside him.

That was one of my most idiotic mistakes in life as just a second after Neymar hit the send button, my phone buzzed to inform me that somebody had texted me.

That wasn't suspicious at all.

I rapidly scrambled for my phone and put it on mute.

As predicted, Neymar turned to look at me with a shocked expression. After composing himself, he looked at me one last time before acting like nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.

I sincerely hoped that he didn't make any ties between anonymous and me. After all, it could have just been a very suspicious coincidence.

Lord save me!



She looked so flawless and exquisite standing there next to me.

I wanted to slap myself!

Anonymous was most probably eagerly awaiting my response to her latest message, while I was standing here, ogling at a different girl.

Talk about being a douche!

To: anonymous123


We won today. Did you watch the match?

Hope you're doing fine.



Immediately after I sent the message, Taraya received one. Her face flushed a deep red (darker than Michael's), before she anxiously checked her phone.

I looked at her with surprise.

Could this be a coincidence, or was Taraya the unidentifiable girl who I claimed to love?

I had to find out!

A/N THAT IS IT FELLOW EARTHLINGS. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment if you liked it.

I'm so happy for Brazil (especially Diego Tardelli). They won 2-0 against Argentina. I thought that Messi was quite rude to a legend like Kaka. You can tell him nicely, you know! I still like Messi though!

BRAZILIAN MUSIC IS SO GOOD. I LISTEN TO A LOT. I listen to Luan Santana, Gusttavo Lima, Michel Teló, Claudia Leitte and many many more. It's just so amazing.

My dad's Secretary got diagnosed with cancer today. She has a 5% chance of survival for only 5 years. Life is so fragile

I love you all. 

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