prt.15- Stupid in Love

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:I opened my eye and rubbed the sleep off my. I felt my allergies come back that I was trying to avoid. I had been having a cough, runny nose and sneezed some. But I was convincing myself it was just my allergies. I got up and looked at my phone, wow, 9:30. I had overslept and I still had to pick up Jonathan.

I got up and texted Jonathan back, and hurried to get ready. I was going to look absolutely terrible, but oh well, he'll be okay seeing me one time not dressed up. But then again there was the time I wore sweats.

I got dressed and ended up doing my makeup in the cars, which didn't turn out so great. I settled for a white Aeropostale shirt, a green Aeropostale zip-up hoodie jeans with a hole in the knees, and my Clark's.

We got there and he greeted me, "I thought ou said you looked bad," he said with a smile as he came over there and took my hand and I remembered me telling him I looked bad today. I smiled back and hugged him. We didnt let go for a while. My step dad and his dad stood there and talked for a while. Then we finally got in the car. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

"Kaitlen's sick, so there's no kissing," my step dad said jokingly, and I just looked at Jonathan and smiled.

"Ooo, that's gonna be hard," Jonathan said with a playful pain look in his face, and smiled. I nedged him and he caught my arm and pulled me in, and leaned up against him.

We had to stop at the store for some reason, my step dad always seems to have to go to the store. Jonathan turned my head towards him and kissed me. His lips were so soft and still to this day I get those butterflies in my stomache when he does.

"You're gonna get sick," I teased.

"So, it's worth is," he said as he leaned in and kissed me again, "Oh, he said cutting off the kiss and he handed me his phone.

"What?" I asked confused

"I told you I would delete the girl's numbers outta my phone or you could,"

I just shook my head no, I wasn't the type to do that, and I wanted him to prove me that he wasn't going to so it again. Deleting girls' numbers out of his phone wasn't going to prove anything.

My step dad came back at that time, "here, I got some more medicine," he said as he handed it to me. I slid it into my pockets. Jonathan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer into him. I just let him hold me. That was my happy place. Nothing felt better than being in his arms.

We soon got back to my house, and my mom was standing in the sitting room. She greeted us and said we could go to the living room. So, we made our way in there and she went and took a shower. We went and sat on the couch and I layed my head in Jonathan's lap. I was still so tired. He rubbed my forehead and I could feel my eyes going to sleep. But I didn't care.

I finally sat up and put my forehead against his. He kissed it lightly and put his arms around me.

We sat around for a while before we had to go to the church to meet up with everyone to go.

"You have to be ready in 15 minutes before were leaving," my mom said as she hurried through the kitchen and into the living room. I shook my head and got up. I gave jonathan a kiss and headed to get ready. I settled for some jeans, snow boots, which went over my jeans, and a long length brown shirt. I decided that was good enough.

The next thing I knew they were blowing the car's horn for me to get outside. So, I grabbed my stuff and ran outside. Jonathan was laready in the car, laughing at me, "look, your gonna make us late," he teased. "Sh'e always the last one," my brother added. My brother, Jeremy, and Jonathan got along good. So, that was a plus. I liked that.

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