The last chapter!

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A month later

When I get up on the stand I can bearly breath. I look out at everyone. Everyone is staring at me. My loyar Dennis Basket steps out right in front of me.
"So Hazel... could you tell us what happend from the start?" He asks me.
"From the start?" I say and raise an eyebrow.
"From that you got to Jeffery Atkins party." He says. I nod.

Before I start I look out on everybody to see where Monty is. He sits in the middle looking at me. He gives me a weak smile and I take a deap breath.

"Jeff is my friend so I got to the party a few hours early to help." I say.
"Who else was there early?" He asks.
"Uhm... Jeff, Sheri Holland, Leah (idk her lastname) and Clay Jenssen." I answer.
"Alright, you can go on."
"At first I was with Sheri and Jeff but after a while my boyfriend came so I went to him." I say. I try to go on but Dennis interupts me.
"What is his name?" He asks.
"My boyfriend?" I say, he nods. "Montgomery De La Cruz." I say.
"Go on."
"We danced and drank a little. After a while I began to feel a bit drunk and I didn't want to do something stupid so I went up stairs." I say. I have to close my eyes for a second to stop the tears. When I open my eyes I see Bryce. His look is stonecold. God! I dont know if I can do this. Now I look at Monty. He nods at me.

"Hazel?" Dennis asks. I take my eyes of Monty and looks at him. "What happend then?" I take another really deap breath.
"I got in Jeffs room and fell asleep. After a while I woke up by someone coming in. He..." I try but I get interupted again.
"Who was it?" He asks. I close my eyes again. After a while I open them and before thinking I open my mouth.
"Bryce Walker."

The room gets silent and everybodys heads turns away from me to Bryce. He doesn't move. His face is stuck cold. After sbout a minute Dennis breaks the silence.
"What happend next?" He asks and everyones attention goes back to me.
"Uhm... He sat down n-next to me... and I tried to leave but he..." Is all I can say before a ton of tears covers my cheaks. "... he pushed me down and started kissing me. I tried to... to push him of me but he... just continued." I cry. I look out on the audiens. Both Sheri and Monty are crying and I can see Jeffs eyes tear up.

Then he took my skirt and underwear of and then he started to... to push himself... into me..." I continue. "I couldn't move." I say and wipe my tears, but I cant stop crying.
"Did you tell him to stop?" He asks. I nod.
"Two times." I say threw the tears.
"I dont have more questions." He say. After that the judge says that we're gonna go on a break.

After a few minutes only Sheri, Jeff, Scott and Monty is left in the room. When I get to them I go straight into Montys chest. He puts his arms around me.
"I'm so proud of you, baby." He whispers. When I'm done hugging Monty Sheri and Jeff throws themselfs at me and hugs me.
"We're really proud of you too." She says. I smile.
"Thank you." I look at Scott and he nods at me.
"Me too, good job." He says, I smile.

"Hazel?" I hear someone say from behind. I turn around. It's Dennis. "Could you come with me for a moment." He asks.
"Sure." I say.

Before I go to him I turn to Monty again. I get on my tippy toes and kiss him.
"Thank you for being here, I love you." I say. He smiles.
"Of course." He answers and kisses my forhead. I smile and go to Dennis.

He takes me to an empty room and sits down. I sit down towards him.
"He comfessed." He says. I stare at him.
"Bryce?" I ask. Dennis nods. Holy shit.
"Did not see that one coming." I say. He nods again.
"Neigther did I."
"Why did he?" I ask.
"I cant know for sure, but I think his loyar told him to. You were pretty conbinsing, and they figured if he admited they would go easier on him. But that's just my theori." He say.
"Hmm." I say. "But what does this mean for me?"
"The trisl is closed. For now." I feel reliefed. "But it's not over for Bryce." I nod.
"Does that mean that I can go home?" I ask.
"Yeah." He say.

I get up from the chair. Just before I open the door Dennis puts his hand on my shoulder.
"You did good." He says. I smile.
"Thank you."

Monty and the others are right behind the door when I get out.
"What did he say?" Jeff asks.
"Bryce comfessed." I say. They all look shocked. "It's over, well, for me at least." Sheri runs up and hugs me.
"I'm so happy for you, Hazel." She squils. Her eyes are still filled with tears.
"Thank you." I say.

Now Monty walks up to me.
"Do you wanna get home?" He ask me. I shake my head.
"Can you drive me to Jessicas first?" I ask.
"Sure." He says, I smile.

When we get to Jessicas house Monty stops in front of it.
"Do you want me to go in with you?" He asks. I shake my head.
"No, it's alright." I say and he nods. I get out of the car walk up to the door. I knock. Jessica opens and before I can say anything she pulls me into a hug.
"Sheri told me." She says weakly. "I'm so proud of you." She says and... fuck... I thought I was done crying for today. I smile at her through the tears.

After a while of sobbing and hugging we get in her house and I tell her about it all in the sligthest detail. And right before we say goodbye she says something that leaves me frozen on her doorstep. "You did what I couldn't, Hazel. You're an insperation." I'm an inperation? Even though I dont feel like itit warms.

"Did it go alright?" Monty asks when I get back in the car.
"Yeah, it did." I say and nods.
"Good." He says and smile.

After that day, something happend inside of me. I dont know, I felt happy, I felt hole.

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