chapter 2

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I am at home getting ready for the party. Hannah is going to come pick me up in 30 minutes. I have already done my makeup. I put on a black skirt and a blue tanktop. It isn't boring and it isn't to much. I straight my hair and now I'm done. I'm really looking forward to meet people. I'm a bit terrefied as well. If it wasn't for what Jessica had said earlier today I would have looked forward to meet Montgomety again. If the things they say about him is true I dont want anything to do with him. Sheri and Jessica talked about how much I would fit with someone named Zach Dempsey. They said they would hook me up with him. Jess describes him as this 'He's a jock, but the sweet kind off jock.' Hannah said that he wasn't sweet or good in anyway. She said I would fit with someone named Jeff Atkins. And acording to Jessica that could work out to. because he was also 'the sweet kind off jock.' I heard the notifications on my phone. I got a snap from Hannah. 'I'm outside your house now.' 'ok.' I answerd and hurried out.

"Hi there." She said when I got into the car.
"How are you feeling? Are you exited?"
"Yeah, I acually am. You?"
"Yeah, I am."
We didn't say much other than that.
"We're here." Hannah said after a while.

Wow, Bryces house was huge. There were tons off people there.
"Go look for Sheri and Jess, I'll come soon." Hannah shouted over the music.
"Allright" I said. I wounder what she's going to do.
"I am going looking for a friend. Clay Jenssen. Have you met him?" She ask.
"No, I haven't."
"Okay, see you later" She says and disapeare in the crowd. I walk into the kitchen. I cant see Jessica or Sheri anywere.
"Hi there, Smith." Someone say and grabs my hips and turn me around.
"Uhm... hi Montgomery." I say when I see who it is. He stand close to me. If I'm being honest a bit closer than what's conftreboll. He laughes.
"Monty. You seem a bit lost again." He smirks. I dont know why but that smirk kinda' turns me on. Oh my god! stop! He's a fuckboy and a bully.
"That's beacause I am." I answer.
"Do you need help?" I can tell he tries to tease me.
"Nope. I dont need your help. I'm all good." I try not to make eye contact with him.
"I helped you before, didn't I?" He smirk. I sigh.
"I'm looking for Jessica Davis and Sheri Holland."
"I though you didn't needed my help." I roll my eyes.
"shut up." He plays offended, and I cant help but laugh.
"I can help you look if you'd like."

We almost lose eachother in the crowd so I grab his hand. He smirk. I roll my eyes at him. He slows down so that he end up behind me and grabs my waist. I give him an angry look. He smirks once again.
"So I dont lose you in the crowd. Chill out."
"Wathever." I say, even though I know that's not why he did it. I should have litsend to Jessica.
"There they are." Monty shouts to me and points at Jessica, Sheri and some dude I dont know.
We go over to them.
"Hazel! You came, you fucking came." Jessica say and hugs me. I can tell she's pretty drunk. I notice Monty still has his hands on my hips, and so does Jessica. I shake him off.
"What the fuck are you doing, Monty?" She say.
"Chill, I just helped her find you guys. It's all good. No need to freak out, Jess."
"It's all good? You met her like five minutes ago and you think that you can just clinge on her, like you do on everybode else, you fucking asshole." She snourtes. I dont know why the though he did that to every other girl he meet makes me kind off sad. Monty just gives her an angry look and leaves.

"He's gone! Whoop, whoop!" She sings and does some sort off victory dance.
"Hi, girl." Sheri says. I smile. "What was that about?"
"He just helped me finding you. And then he grabbed my waist so that he woudn't 'lose me in the croud.'"
"Classic." She say and roll her eyes.
"By the way Hazel, I'd like you to meet..." She fake a drumbeat. "Zach Dempsey!" He smile at me, and I smile back. He's pretty cute. He's really tall though. I mean if you have my (really short) height in mind, would I even be able to kiss him?

We talked a bit. I mean he's sweet, and it seem like he's intrested in me. But I cant stop thinking about Monty. Why the hell do think off fucking Montomery?! I mean he's a fuckboy and I dont even know the guy. And even though I liked when he grabbed me, it was fucking rude. I decade to stop thinking off him. It wouldn't even suprise me if he fucked some other girl right now.

"So, why did you move here?" Zach ask.
"Uhm... I dont know really. My parents say they want a fresh start."
"Okay." He say. "Do you like it here?"
"I've only been here for a week but I guess it's allright. I mean I've already got friends." He smiles.
"You sound so suprised, who wouldn't wanna' be friend with you." I laugh.
"A lot."
"Oh." He laughs as well.

I meet a lot off people that night. Unfortsually I meet Monty again. I walk into the kitchen to grab more bear and there he is. He is standing there with some friends. I understand he is drunk by the way he moves, and I'm starting to realise that I'm drunk too. It's all kind off a blur but I see Monty walking up to me.
"Couldn't keep away?" He say and throw his arms up.
"Fuck off, Montgomery." I studder. He laughs and lean closer to me. He's so close his face almost thouches mine.
"You wanna' go somewere private, and talk?" He wisphers and grabs my ass. I'm about to say yes but then I understand what he really means.
"What!? You think I'm some kind off slut who just sleep with guys like that? And if I agreed we'd go somewere and 'talk' you would just spread fucking rumors about me! I've heard what things you've done to girls!" I scream at him.
"Calm the fuck down." He tried.
"Why? so you can fuck me?!" One off Montys friends walks up to us.
"You need to calm down, your making a sceen." He says and grabs my arm.
"Dont fucking thouch me!"
"Scott, go and find Sheri Holland" Monty tells him. I scream a lot off things to Monty, but he stays calm. after a moment Sheri comes.
"Oh dear lord." I can hear her say before I pass out.

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