chapter 1

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I woke up with huge stomatch cramp. I'm so nervous! Today is my first day on Liberty Highschool. I dont know anyone and I'm not very good at making friends, but I guess I'll find someone nice.

I get up from my bed and open up my closet. I take a pair of jeans and pull them on and then I grab a hoodie. I do my makeup and go to school.

I'm suposed to go to the counsler office and get a tour round the school. There's one problem though... I dont know where it is. I go throw the hall look for signs. But I dont get far because all off a sudden someone grabs my hips and turns me around. I look up at the guy in front off me. He's atleast seven inches taller than me. By the way he lookes at me I can tell he's a bit to confident.
"You look a bit lost." He smirks at me.
"Shit, is it that obvious?" I say and smile nervously.
"Your the new girl, huh?"
"I guess I am. Hazel Smith."
"Hazel?" He say and smirk. "Montgomery De La Cruz. Call me Monty."
"Okay." I say and roll my eyes. "Where is the counsler office?" I ask.
"Over there." He says and points. "It's the door on your left."
"Thanks." I say and turn around.

Once I get to the office I see a girl standing there. Once she sees me she smiles wide.
"You must be Hazel Smith." I nod.
"Thats me."
"I'm Courtney Crimson. Plesure to meet you." I smile as respond. She walks up to me. I go in for a handshake but she hits me with a hug.
"I'm suposed to give you your tuor but unfortenely I have a test in math. I'm so sorry, I dont really have a replacement."
"That's okay. I dont need a tour." To be honest I dont want a tuor at all. It's just akward.
"Ofcourse you need a tour! Dont be silly." She says and drags me out in the hall. She grabs some girl that's walking by.
"Hi, Coutney what is it?" She asks.
"Can you do a tour with the new girl, I cant. Please!" Jessica looks at me for a moment.
"Sure." She sounds bored.
"Great!" Courtney squizes. "Jess, this is Hazel Smith. Hazel, this is Jessica Davis." She smiles and walks away.
Jessica looks at me.
"Uhm.. It's cool. I dont really need a tuor." I say.
"No, it's fine. I'll give you one."
"Okay, thanks." she nods.

We go around and she shows me pretty much everything. She seems really nice and fun.
"So, that's it." She says when we're done.
"Yeah, thank you." We smile at eachother. "Bye then." I say and turns around.
"Wait, Hazel. Maybe you wanna' join me and my friends at lunch later?" She asks.
"Yeah, sure!"
"Great, see you then."
"See you."

Later at lunch I try to find Jessica but I cant see her anywere. I do see Montgomery though. He and he's friends are talking about something and they are looking at me. I quickly look away.
"Hey, Smith! Over here!" I hear someone shout. I turn around, It's Jessica. I go over to her.

"Hi Hazel!" She says smiling. I can tell she's a lot more relaxed with here friends here.
"Hi." I say.
"Okay, this is Sheri and Hannah. This is Hazel." She intreduces us to eachother.
"How long have you lived here?" Sheri ask me.
"A week." I answer.
"Do you know anyone here?" Hannah ask this time.
"Nope. Not a soul."
"Have you met someone nice today?" Sheri ask. "Exept us offcourse." She laughs.
"Yeah. Courtney Crimson." I say and Jessica rolles her eyes.
"Stop it, Jess! There's nothing wrong with her!" Hannah says.
"What do you think off her, Hazel?" Jessica turns to me.
"She seems nice I guess. A bit much maybe..."
"Fucking told you so!" Jessica say succesfully to Hannah.
"Whatever." Hannah say.
"I also meet him over there." I say and points at Montgomerys direction. All three off them laugh a bit.
"Monty?" Jessica looks at me. I nod.
"Wath do you think of him then?" Hannah say mockingly.
"He seemed nice, a bit full off himself but nice."
"Nice? Oh lord." Sheri say.
"What?" I ask. I turn to Sheri since I dont expect a serious answer from the other two girls.
"He's kind off an asshole."
"Kind off?" Hannah laughes. I though he seemed nice. I want to know more.
"An asshole how?"
"He's a typicall jock." Jessica explains.
"Uh, Jess, you date a jock." Sheri say and gives her a look.
"I know, but Justin's not like that."
"What were you gonna' say about Montgomery?" I ask.
"He's really good at sports, I'll give him that. But he has a nasty fucking temper. Like say the wrong things and he beats the shit out off you. He's also a huge ass bully. He can just go throw someone up against a locker. And he fuck girls left and right and then slutshames them."
"Oh..." I'm a bit chocked actually. I mean I expected him to be a bit arrogant but he seemed like a nice guy.

"Hello, ladies." Someone said from behind me.
"Hi, Bryce." Jessica said and I could her the disgust in her voice. I turned around to see who he was. He was one off the jocks Montgomery had talked to.
"Jess, Sheri, Hannah." Then he looked at me. He looked me up and down. "Oh, the new girl. Your fucking hot." I dont know if I should say thanks or punch him in the face. But Jessica is quicker to make up her mind then me.
"It's her first day, leave her alone."
"Sorry" he laughed. "I was just trying to be nice."
"Well, she dont need that so if you would mind, get the fuck off our table." Hannah say coldly.
"Holyshit. Your all in bad moods I see."
"Yeah, people tend to be in bad moods when you talk to them." Jess say even more cold than Hannah. I wounder what he had done to make them hate him that much.
"Anyways, I'm throwing a party tonight. Be there at nine."
"We'll see." Hannah says.
"You should come at least." He turns to me. "It's a good chance to meet people."
"Now can you leave." That's the first time I hear Sheri be that rude.
"Sure" He says and leaves.

"Okay has he done something bad?" I ask. All three girls look at eachother. Hannah shake her head.
"He's just a dick."
"Okay." I understand there's something they aint telling me, but I dont want to pressure them to tell.
"Are you going to the party?" I ask. They look at eachother.
"Hell yeah we are! And your going to!" Sheri laughed.
"I dont know."
"Come on Hazel!" Hannah says. "I can give you a ride if you'd like."
"Thank you." I say and smile.
"He might be a dick, but the man can throw parties."

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