chapter 3

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The next day I wake up and when I open my eyes I didn't know were I was.
"Morning, sleepy." Someone says. I look around, it's Sheri.
"Sheri... what am I doing here? And what happend yesterday at the party?" I ask. She laughs.
"You got pretty wasted."
"Yeah, no shit."
"You passed out yesterday and I figured you didn't want your parents to know that you got drunk so, I brought you here." She explains.
"This is you place?" I ask.
"Thank you. I mean it."
"Any time." She smiles.
"What happend at the party?" I ask confused.
"What do you remember?" She lookes at me.
"I remember getting to the party with Hannah. Then she walked away. Then I talked to Monty and he helped me find you. Then Jess called him out for pawing on me. Then he walked off. Then you intredused me to Zach. Then we talked for a bit. Then we started dancing and drinking. That's all I remember."

Then Sheri told me what happend with Monty.
"Oh shit!" I sigh. "I did that?"
"Yeah. He was being a real jerk so you did the right thing by confronting him, but it got a bit out off hand."
"But if you came later then how do you know all this?"
"Scott told me." I look terrefied at her.
"Scott told you? He saw? How many saw what happend?"
"Everyone in the kitchen. and I was out in the garden and I heard you, I just didn't realise it was you. So I'm pretty sure no one missed it."
I took one off Sheri's pillows and lay it over my head.
"It'll be fine! Everyone was pretty wasted, I'm sure they wont even remember." She says in a try to comfort me.
"But you remember."
"I barly had anything to drink."
"Everyone is going to think I'm some alcoholic!"
"No! Everybody gets drunk at parties." she says again in a try to comfort me.
"Not you, apperently."
"That's cause I'm not like everybody." She says and throws her hair around. I cant help but laugh.

When we arrived at shool I felt a lot off eyes on me. When Sheri and I walked the hall we met Monty and he's friends.
"Uh... Monty?" I ask. He stops and looks at me. One off his friends, Scott Reed I think starts to do an imitation off me screaming at Monty. He laughs, and so does the others.
"Seriuosly? Just shut up, Scott." Sheri says.
"Can we go somewere and talk?" I ask Monty.
"How dare you ask me to talk? What do you think I am? A slut?!" He says dramaticly. All his friends laugh. I roll my eyes.
"Wow, your so funny."
"I am aware." He smirks. to my suprise he actually walks away from his friends and he walks up to me.
"What do you want then?" He says looking down on me. All off his friends leave and Sheri gives me a confused look. I nod at her and she leaves.

"Let's hear then." He says.
"Okay, you were being a jerk last night, so you desereved to get called out. But, I admit that I got a bit out off line. So I guess I want to apgogize to you, but I feel like you dousn't really deserv it. So you get a half apology, is that cool?" I look up at him. He looks really amused and start to laugh.
"Yeah, that's cool. Your half forgiven." I smile.
"Okay, see you then." I say.
"Hopefully." He says and looks me up and down. I roll my eyes and he grabs my waist FUCKING AGAIN. He pulls me aside so that he can leave. Not gonna' lie, he is pretty smoth though.

Me and Sheri sat down at the same table as Jessica and Hannah. Jessica looked at me.
"Hazel? You know what?" Oh god! She'll probably say something like that I'm a drunk bitch who isn't worth being friends with no more.
"What?" I ask, terrefied.
"What you did to Monty, that was fucking brave. Your fucking awsome. I mean I doesn't really remember what happend, but Hannah told me. I mean I was pretty wasted to but you were awsome."
"Uh... Thank you, Jess." She smiles and so does I.
"And I hate to say this but, I told you so! Seriously, What were you thinking when looked for Monty?!"
"I didn't look for him. He just showed up!"
"Yeah, whatever." She says.

After a while Zach joins us.
"Hi Hazel." He says.
"Hi Zach." I answer.
"Oh my god. Hi Zach! I'm good, thanks for asking. Nice to see you too!" Jessica mocks him.
"Sorry, Hi Jess, Sheri, Hannah." He says and looks down. I laugh.
"You're still in for tonight, right?" He ask me.
"What?" Firts he looks confused but then he starts to laugh.
"Right, I'll ask you now when your sober." He says and I look down. "Do you wanna' watch a movie at the cresmont tonight? With me?" He ask and smiles. Oh shit.
"Yes, I want to but uhm... I have plans... with..."
"Me. She have plans with me." Sheri says quickly. She cought on to me then.
"Sorry, maybe some other time." I say to him. He looks disapointed.
"Sure. Bye." He says and walks away.

"Your a terrable liar!" Hannah says.
"Shhhh!" I say to her.
"What?" She looks at me. "You really think he belived you?"
"She has a good point." Jessica say.
"Okay, fuck you both." I say and we laugh.
"Spill, why dont you wanna' go out with Zach? He's sweet." Sheri say.
"Yeah, I guess he is, but he's not really my type."
"Right. Who is your type then?" Jessica asks.
"Uhm, I dont know." I say but I can't help but think about Monty.

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