Chapter 15

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I wake up the next morning beside a sleeping Monty. I try to get up but he has his arms in a tight grip around me. I dont want to wake him so I dont try to get up so hard. I just lay here thinking. So Montys mom was a bit weird. I mean it is understandable that she doesn't want to spend time with her abusive husband, but I think that she's being selfish. When she leaves the house in the morning she leaves Monty alone with his father. As a mother, isn't it her job to protect him? What would happen if she tries to divorce with him? Maybe that's hard, I dont know.  It's probably not that black and white.

"Good morning, babygirl." Monty interupts my thoughts. I turn around to him.
"Good morning." I say and kisses him. After a while he pulls away because his father shouts something in spanish from the kitchen. Monty shouts something back. Then he turns to me again.
"Sorry, but you have to leave." I look at him.
"What? Why?"
"You just have to leave. Dont worry, I'll drive you."
"Okay." I say. It doesn't sound like I have a choice at all. I take on my jeans and since I cant find my shirt I grab one off Montys.

When we get in his car he drives away emidietly. When we're outside my house I dont get out.
"What did he say?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" He says without looking at me.
"Come on, you know I dont understand spanish." I say.
"Maybe that's for the better." He just says.
"But if he's..." Is all I can say before Monty interupts me.
"Get out off the car." He says.
"But..." I begin. He interupts me again.
"Get out off the fucking car." He says again. He sounds pretty calm so I decade to do as he say before he get mad.
"Fine." I say and gets out. "Bye."
"See you." He say and drives away.

The next morning I get a text from Monty. He wounders if he can come over. Since my mom isn't home I text yes. About two minutes after I hear someone knocking on the door. It cant be Monty already. I open up to see who it is. To my suprise it's Clay Jenssen. Fuck! Is it about those tapes?

"Hey?" I say.
"Hi." He says. I look at him.
"Did you want something or what?" I ask him.
"Uhm, yeah." He says. I raises an eyebrow at him.
"Do want to come in?" I say. He nods. We get in and we sits down at the kitchen table.
"You are Montgomerys girlfriend." He say.
"I am."
"Do you know that he is one off the reasons Hannah Baker killed herself?" He asks.
"He apologised to her."
"He said that?" He asks. I nod. "And you belive him?" He asks again. It sounds like he starts to get a bit mad, so do I.
"Yes, I do." He open his mouth to say something but I interupts him. "You know, this is pathetic! Do you really think that you can turn me against him? Is that why you came here? If you got some kind off beaf with him deal with it! Dont drag me into it." I yell.
"I just thought that you should know." He stutter. I'm about to go at him again but someone knocks on the door before I get the chance. I get up from the chair and turns to Clay.
"I think you should leave." I say coldly.

Clay follows me to the door. I open, it's Monty. As soon as I see him I regret getting out off that car yesterday. He has a lot off bruises and he has a plaster on his arm. I try to hug him but he goes right passed me.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Jenssen?! Leave my girlfriend the hell out off this!" He says and pushes Clay against the wall. "Do you get it?"
"What are you going to do, Monty? Beat the shit out off me, just like Tyler?" Clay says.
"I will if you go near her again."
"No, you wont. Just get out off here, Clay." I say and grab Montys hand and removes it from Clays shirt.
"Fine." Clay says and gets out.
"What the fuck is his problem?" Monty says when the door is closed.
"He's just sad, let him be."
"He wants revenge." He says and looks at me. "Just stay out off it, okay?"
"Okay, I will." Monty smiles at me and bends down and kisses me.

Later at the eavning me and Monty are in my bed looking at a movie. The movie is pretty boring so I just think about stuff. I realise that I havn't asked Monty about how he got the bruises. To be honest I think he's happy about that, but I want to know.
"Monty?" I ask.
"What happend yesterday? After I left." I say. He breaks our eyecontact.
"Then how did you end up with a plaster around your arm?"I ask.
"Nothing..." He begins.
"Can you just stop lying to me and treat me like a fool. I know something is up. I'm not stupid." I say. Now Monty looks at me.
"You're right, I'm sorry." He say. "Justin was right. It's my father." I can hear his voice break a little. I put my hand at his.
"It's my own fault." He says. I put my hand on his cheek.
"No, it's not. You know that, I know you do." I say and he starts to cry. I pull him into a hug. "It's going to be okay."

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