Chapther 24

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"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Monty ask me. I look up at him.
"I'm... fine." I say. He put his shirt on and looks at me. He looks pretty annoyed.
"You're fine? Come on, Hazel. What the fuck does that even mean? You're not fine." He says. I am about to say it again but I cant bring myself to speak. I just sit silent looking at him. I just feel numb. He gives me another weird look and bends down to the floor and pick something up. It's one of his flanellshirts. He bends down to me and puts it on me. He sits down next to me.
"There you go." He mumbles. But I keep quiet, I keep staring at him.

After about 15 very silent minutes Monty starts to talk again.
"You wanna get some food?" He asks. "I'm not hungry." I just say.
"I know. You've said that for like two fucking days now but you have to eat." he say rather harsh. When he doesn't get an answer his face start to soften up. He gives me a quick kiss on the forhead and start talking again. "How about this..." He says and looks at me. "I'll go order a pizza and you can stay here?" He's about to say something else but I am quick to interupt him.
"No!" I say pretty loud. He gives me a weird look and I can tell it means 'you have to eat'. But I start talking before he gets the chance to say anything. "I just dont want to be alone." I say. Now he grabs my hand and chuckles a bit.
"Allright. We can go order a pizza. That's okay?" He asks and I nod.

When I'm about to get out of the room Monty start to laugh. I turn to him and raises an eyebrow. He doesn't say anything, he just bends down to the floor and grab my jeans. He throws them at me.
"Put 'em on before we get out please." He giggles. I roll my eyes.
"I will for sure."

When we have got the pizza we get in the car again and starts to drive back to Monty's.
"Are you going to school tomorrow?" he asks me all of a sudden. I shake my head.
"I dont think I can handle it." I say. Monty looks at me. "But I think you should go." I add.
"I'm not gonna leave you all by yourself." He says.
"What about your grades?" I say. He frons.
"They'll go to shit anyways." he grins. I roll my eyes.
"Football then? Or baseball?" I ask.
"Dont worry about it." He just says.

When we get back to Montys house we eat the pizza. He eats most of it. I dont really have any aptite.
"You can take it." Monty says and points at the last slize. I shake my head.
"No, I'm good. You take it." He laughs.
"I've eaten like... 90% procent of this. I'm full." He says and grabs the slize. He puts it in front of my mouth and raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes.
"You never give up, do you?" I say and he smirks.
"Never." I take the slize and eat it.
"Are you happy now?" I ask.
"Yup." He says and gives me a pleased smile.

After a while Montys phone start ringing. He looks at the display and answers.
"Hey dude, what's up?" He says, so I guess it's one of his jock friends. "I dont know, man." He says after a little while and give me a quick look. "I know, but... fine. Sure... I'll be there." He say and hangs up.

He looks a bit ashamed..
"It was Scott." He says.
"What did he want?" I ask.
"We have a game tomorrow. Baseboll. I gotta be there. I mean I could stay home but..." I put my hand on his cheek.
"It's okay." I interupt. "I mean you cant just give everything up because of what happend to me." I say and he smiles a bit.
"You sure it's okay?" He asks.
"Yes!" I yell and he kisses me.
"I love you." He says.
"Right back at you."

"Do you want a ride home or are you staying here?" Monty asks in the eavning.
"Is it cool if I stay?" I ask. Monty smirks.
"of course." He answers.
"Thanks." I say and smile.
"Any time, babygirl." He says and strokes my hair.

When we're about to sleep Monty lays down way far from me. I bet he's scared that I'll freak out again. But how ever I wont. I think. I roll closer to him and puts my head into his back. He turns around and puts his arms around me. His face is like two inches aways from mine.
"Good night." I say. He smiles.
"Night." He says and close his eyes.

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