Chapther 9

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I get down and opens the door. I look up at the smirking boy in front off me.
"Hi, babygirl."
"Not your babygirl." I say and roll my eyes. He ignores my comment and grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him. Then I hear someone coming from behind me, I turn around. It's my mom.
"Hi there." She says.
"Hi , mrs Smith." Monty says. They shake hands.
"Paula." Mom says.
"Montgomery." He says. Then I see moms eyes go down to my waist, were Monty has his hands. She gives me a exited look.
"Is this your boyfriend?" She asks.
"No, he's not my boyfriend." I say quickly.
"Yet." Monty adds. I look at him. He smirks.
"Uhm, I'll leave you two alone to sort that out." She says and smiles nervously. "Have a great night." She says and walks away. We get out from my house and gets in his car. He starts to drive somewhere.

"What was that?" I look at him.
"In there? You think that I want to be your girlfriend?" He smirks.
"You said this, and I quote. 'When your mature enough for a relationship you know where to find me.'" He says and I roll my eyes. "I think it's pretty obvious what you want." He contiues. The rest off the drive is pretty quiet. Then suddenly he stops the car in a fucking forest.

"So I thought about what you said yesterday." Monty says and breaks the silents.
"So, I have decided that I am 'mature enough for a relationship'." I raise my eyebrown.
"Okay." I say.
"Yeah, okay. What's your point?" I say.
"Is it really necesarry to embaress me like this?" He says and I laugh. "Do I really need to spell it out for you?"
"Yes, you do." I say and he rolls his eyes.
"Do you wanna' be my girlfriend?" He asks. Now it's my time to smirk.
"I think I need to consider the offer before I answer."
"Is that so?" He grins. I nod. He smirks at me. He leans forwards to me and tries to kiss me, but I pull away and gets out from the car. I goes to a tree and sits down in front off it. I hear Monty opening the door.
"Really?" He yells at me. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm considering the offer. In piece and quiet."
"Right. Let me know when your done." He laughs and gets back in the car.

When I've been outside for about ten minutes Monty comes out from the car.
"Are you done yet?" He asks me.
"Nope!" I say and shake my head. He starts to smirk and picks me up from the ground.
"What are you doing? Let me go!" I say but he ignores me. He carries me to the car. He opens the backdoor and gets in. He places me in his lap.
"I demand an answer." He says. I give him a teasing look. "Emedietly." He adds.
"You do?"
"Yes, I do." He says.
"Yes. The answer is yes." I say. He smirks and kisses me.

We make out and he starts to bend over forcing me to lay down. He tries to take off my shirt, but I pull him off.
"What's wrong, babygirl?" He looks down on me.
"You really wanna' do it here?" He looks confused. "Someone could see us!"
"Have you seen anyone here? And by the way it's more risky to fuck in a house with a bunch off drunk kids than in an empty forest." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Not here, and that's finall." I say.
"Fine." he says and gets out. he goes to the front and starts the car. I climb over to the front as well.
"Are you mad now?" I ask him.
"No, but I though since dont want to do it here, maybe we can go to my place?" He smirks.
"You dont give up, do you?"
"Never." He says.
"Fine then." I say and he smirks. I kiss him and he starts to drive.

When we get to his house I dont see any car.
"Aren't your parents home?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"Lucky me." He mutters. I wounder what that's about. He leads me to his room. Once we get there he pulls me against the wall and we starts to make out. He picks me up and places me on his bed. He gets on top off me and we take our clothes off. We have sex and then I fall asleep.

When I wake up I look at my phone. Its seven AM. That's the first time I've woken up this early in weeks, if not months. I try to get out from the bed without waking Monty. I think I succed but then I feel to strong arms grabbing me and pulling me back in the bed.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks me with a raspy morning voice.
"We need to get to school." I say. He laughs.
"Hazel, it's saturday." He says.
"Right." I say and laughs. "But we cant lay here all day." I say and sitts up. He looks at me.
"Yes, we can. Get back here!" He says and I follow is orders. He pulls me closer into his chest. I turn around so that we lay face to face. He smirks and kisses me on the forhead.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask him.
"You just did." He smirks. I roll my eyes.
"Can I ask you two things?" I ask. He smirks again and I realise my mistake.
"You just did." He laughs.
"Can I ask you four things?" I ask.
"You just did." He says again.
"When did I do that!?"
"Now." He laughs.
"You should be a comidian." I say.
"I know." He smiles. I tries to get up but Monty doesn't let me.
"I'm sorry. What's you question?" He ask.
"You can be so sweet when you want to." I say.
"And your point is?"
"My point is.. Why are you being such a dick?" I ask and he laughs.
"Wow, thanks. That's really sweet off you."
"It's accurate..." I say and he laughs even more. I hits his arm playfully.
"I'm being serious!"
"Okay, sorry." He says. "I mean, I dont know. I just lash out sometimes. It's no big deal." I nod, even though I know it is a big deal.

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